So, weigh in time! And praise the lord, it's good news!!

Last week I weighed in at 113Kg, or 17st 11lbs. This week I weigh, DRUM ROLL PLEASE!
On to other matters, I'm feeling write-y, which could be awesome. I have a lot of opinions, rage and funnies in my mind that need to be let out, so writing might be a good idea. But, and there's always a but, my girlfriend has been offered a chance to write about game-y stuff for a website dedicated to nerds and their ways, doing reviews and such, and I really don't want to do the same and encroach on any ideas she may have, or that I may give her. This is her thing and I should support her, not try and get carried along for her ride into internet fame!
Confusion ensues. Anyway, I'll wait and see how the writing goes and then take it from there I think.
Much love, A-man-convincing-himself-people-are-reading-this-shit. Tata!