Jesus Christ I haven't written a blog in ages D:
So yeah. LIFE. Wow. Uhmm, start bad and get good I think.
So, I'm a boat builder. I started my current job all new and shiny and qualified, on the promise of building a ship. A small ship, yes. About 110 foot long, and made of solid English oak. Every shipwrights wet dream of a job. Since joining them 10 months ago, I haven't even started on the ship yet, but I have:
Taken 12 NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) 16 to 18 year olds, all whom came to us with a variety of histories from violence, to hard drug misuse, to anti-social behaviour, and turned them into respectable members of the society (ish). In short, I straightened them out, got them jobs and apprenticeships, and taught them some fucking respect.
Filled out a website for the Project I work for with all the information about the heritage site we work on, to the ship we're building, to the training we're providing.
Written more words for said website, magazine articles, and newpapers than my girlfriend has written for her fucking English degree.
And then, all the work developing the site we work on, from the shit heap it was to the fine establishment it is now.
In short, I've worked my arse off. NOW. There's a little boat in our yard, that I'd like to work on. Get back on the tools, enjoy myself. I got clearance for this. Its a nice double ended fishing boat, about 24 foot long, made of a variety of oaks and mahogany's.
Instead, I am going to train and straighten out another 10 NEET kids from the local area, find them all jobs, while teaching my own one (soon to be two) apprentices in the art that is boatbuilding, finish the buildings, write teaching material for a Level 2 and level 3 course in Marine Engineering, keep the website up to date, write about 10 blog posts on the development of the buildings from start to finish, keep a board of trustees happy (FUCKING COMMITTEES), all while trying to maintain a happy home life, myself in some form of physical fitness and general hygienic state, try to find time to play online games with my friends around the country and keep in contact with my friends who're more local, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, see my girlfriend. But I'll get to that in a moment.
Yeah, work is killing me. I want more time to me. Sorry about the total angsty ranting blog of shit, but it will get better. Right after...
I say sorry to my girlfriend
Its her end of year formal at uni tonight, and I said months ago I'd be there, and I'm not. I feel like a royal dick. She is having great fun, but I said I would and I put it off and should have treated it more importantly and booked the damn holiday time and tickets and argh. So yeah, sorry baby.
Gonna do my absolute best to make it up to her. Which may involve a dress, shoes, jewellery and all that lark for the formal next year xD
But yeah, it gets better now
She is amazing. Truly fucking incredible. Totally getting me through all this work right now, while working through what was a massive pile of essays. I'm seeing her two weekends at the end of the month and start of the next
She is coming out to see me :3 God, I fucking love her. And of course,I'm going to see her for her birthday
I'm taking her away for her birthday the weekend after she has her new ink done
Then we get an awesome summer topped off by going away to Greece together in September for a week
Oh yeah, stuff with the girlfriend is going well
Got to play the Guild Wars 2 beta event a few weekends back, which was mega. Great fun
I'm slowly getting back into BF3, but meh, not enough time to get good again xD
A good friend of mine Clare is having a child, which is win <3
Built my friend a new gaming PC.
Read World War Z on the girlfriends recommendation and it was amazing
My younger sister who got back from 4 months working in China as a costume mistress for big touring show, got a new job travelling the UK with a new show
My Dad went self employed, and my Mum got a new job.
My Grandad turns 70 this month, and the old bastard is still going strong.
And hopefully, I will get myself a inked for the first time this year. Although not holding out on it too much cos of funds. But we'll see
Anyway, If you've read this far, have a gold fucking star. Seriously xD Totally needed to let that shit out, and feel better for it already.
So yeah. LIFE. Wow. Uhmm, start bad and get good I think.
So, I'm a boat builder. I started my current job all new and shiny and qualified, on the promise of building a ship. A small ship, yes. About 110 foot long, and made of solid English oak. Every shipwrights wet dream of a job. Since joining them 10 months ago, I haven't even started on the ship yet, but I have:
Taken 12 NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) 16 to 18 year olds, all whom came to us with a variety of histories from violence, to hard drug misuse, to anti-social behaviour, and turned them into respectable members of the society (ish). In short, I straightened them out, got them jobs and apprenticeships, and taught them some fucking respect.
Filled out a website for the Project I work for with all the information about the heritage site we work on, to the ship we're building, to the training we're providing.
Written more words for said website, magazine articles, and newpapers than my girlfriend has written for her fucking English degree.
And then, all the work developing the site we work on, from the shit heap it was to the fine establishment it is now.
In short, I've worked my arse off. NOW. There's a little boat in our yard, that I'd like to work on. Get back on the tools, enjoy myself. I got clearance for this. Its a nice double ended fishing boat, about 24 foot long, made of a variety of oaks and mahogany's.
Instead, I am going to train and straighten out another 10 NEET kids from the local area, find them all jobs, while teaching my own one (soon to be two) apprentices in the art that is boatbuilding, finish the buildings, write teaching material for a Level 2 and level 3 course in Marine Engineering, keep the website up to date, write about 10 blog posts on the development of the buildings from start to finish, keep a board of trustees happy (FUCKING COMMITTEES), all while trying to maintain a happy home life, myself in some form of physical fitness and general hygienic state, try to find time to play online games with my friends around the country and keep in contact with my friends who're more local, BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY, see my girlfriend. But I'll get to that in a moment.
Yeah, work is killing me. I want more time to me. Sorry about the total angsty ranting blog of shit, but it will get better. Right after...
I say sorry to my girlfriend

Its her end of year formal at uni tonight, and I said months ago I'd be there, and I'm not. I feel like a royal dick. She is having great fun, but I said I would and I put it off and should have treated it more importantly and booked the damn holiday time and tickets and argh. So yeah, sorry baby.
Gonna do my absolute best to make it up to her. Which may involve a dress, shoes, jewellery and all that lark for the formal next year xD
But yeah, it gets better now

She is amazing. Truly fucking incredible. Totally getting me through all this work right now, while working through what was a massive pile of essays. I'm seeing her two weekends at the end of the month and start of the next

Got to play the Guild Wars 2 beta event a few weekends back, which was mega. Great fun

A good friend of mine Clare is having a child, which is win <3
Built my friend a new gaming PC.
Read World War Z on the girlfriends recommendation and it was amazing

My younger sister who got back from 4 months working in China as a costume mistress for big touring show, got a new job travelling the UK with a new show

My Dad went self employed, and my Mum got a new job.
My Grandad turns 70 this month, and the old bastard is still going strong.
And hopefully, I will get myself a inked for the first time this year. Although not holding out on it too much cos of funds. But we'll see

Anyway, If you've read this far, have a gold fucking star. Seriously xD Totally needed to let that shit out, and feel better for it already.