Damn those racist uneducated, closed minded people. Why do they always want to be Politicians
Wikipedia can explain what a fractal is better than I - Fractal Thankfully you don't need to understand them to make them.
I use a program called Apophysis to create fractals and then use photoshop to enhance the look.
If your interested you can download the program for free here - apophysis
I've just been to a Spanish Film festival and saw a couple of great short films that have inspired me to get back into making some more of my own.
I think it is allergy season in Michigan, I have had a fucking headache for what seems like for-fucking-ever. What the fuckin shit. And I think the fluorescent lights at work are burning holes in my retna.
I am such huge fan of foreign cinema. Foreign to me being anything not american. Great French film I just seen for the 27th time "Man Bites Dog"... Read More
If you want to put pictures in your journal you need to have a web address for them. The easiest way to do that is to upload them to your PICS area and then if you hold your cursor over the image it will show its web address url. You can right click on the image and select Copy Shortcut and past the url into the box that pops up when you click image on the right of your journal.
WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. My problems are getting better. I just got approved for a credit card, so now I can start buying things for my film. Bad credit is a bitch, and with this credit card I will probally make it worse. But all I care about is making this damn film. Yeah!
I need to get a credit card. I have absolutely no credit, but fear if I get a credit card I might go crazy and get into bad debt like everyone else I know.
I have just been inspired to write in this journal. I have been really down in the dumps. Nothing ever seems to go my way. I know it sounds like I am being a cry baby but life is a fucking hoe ass bitch. If I can just get my film shot I would be real fucking happy. Money is always holding me back and... Read More
I've made a few short films in my time, so i know what your going through. I once worked in a shity little film Lab so that I could get my 16mm film processed as cheaply as possible.
They let me process the neg for free so it saved a lot of money.
Just when you think things are going your way the Doctor decides to you tell you that you have precancerous cells on your cervix. And that they must be surgically removed because they will continue to mutate into cancer. And that the surgery is going to cost thousands of dollars because you dont have health insurance. Ha and you thought you would be able to... Read More