My Life as a Sock Puppet...
So things maybe looking up after all kids, my friend Ed (non gamer) is seeling me his old car for 300 dollars.. the great thing is that he is signing it over to me and letting me drive it while I pay it off. So this means I have my own car, the downside is that I have to...
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So things maybe looking up after all kids, my friend Ed (non gamer) is seeling me his old car for 300 dollars.. the great thing is that he is signing it over to me and letting me drive it while I pay it off. So this means I have my own car, the downside is that I have to...
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So thing have gotten a little better...
I found out at work that I got Co-employee of the month at work , which means that I get to split the tips for the month with the other person. So it's extra money...
Non Klaive is going to be fun, and thanks to help from my friends I'm able to afford it...
So here is to...
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I found out at work that I got Co-employee of the month at work , which means that I get to split the tips for the month with the other person. So it's extra money...
Non Klaive is going to be fun, and thanks to help from my friends I'm able to afford it...
So here is to...
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thank you for the lovely comment on my site!
So what started out as a normal day went to hell pretty quickly. Tessa and I got into a huge fight. We both have been very moody as of late. I have been feeling very down about my looks. So we fight, and make up. I then decide that I'm going to get my mom to trim my hair. Well, she'll be paying for me...
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don't be sad. There's nothing wrong w/ your looks. But yes, bad hair cuts are a total bummer!!

I love the hair!!! Ka and I agree it looks really good.
Ok I'm the world's biggest dork, but I saw the greatest episode of Justice League Unlimited of all time.. It was all about Batman.. it totally blew my mind.. I can't go into it because it would take to long to explain... but if your a Batman freak, then you would be as excited as me. It was Fucking A.. GOOD!!!
batman is good.
batman begins is not.
but Batman. is good, yes. Yes.
batman begins is not.
but Batman. is good, yes. Yes.
except that batman doesnt scream...
and he deosnt sound like an idiot when he does.

and he deosnt sound like an idiot when he does.

So if you'd like a good movie to expand your mind, rent " The Jacket" with Adrain Brody and Keira Knightly. This movie was excellent and touched alot of the places I think that I try to reach in story telling madness in game. It's very much like "Jacob's Ladder" with Tim Robbins another great movie to change your point of view on things. Remember...
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jealous much?

*adds to the "movies I have to watch when I get the spare 2 hours" list*
Go see Batman begins right now... It was fucking awesome..
Seriously what are you still doing here reading this, get up and go to the damn movies right now and see this movie
Seriously what are you still doing here reading this, get up and go to the damn movies right now and see this movie

I wanna see that and War of the Worlds
>.> no... my ex-friend played the Geisha lol... I'm the Hair Dresser. Lol... I'll be back to playing once I have money to again. I don't really want to come back to game as a ghoul anyhow... so I've got to do some major character creation work ^^* Not that I don't love my clan, I just hate being a ghoul. See you when I come back though

So I'd like the time of my post to be noted, I went to sleep at 3:00am and I woke up at 5:30ish and haven't been able to get back to sleep. i have been sleeping like this for about a week now. I have to work tommorow and I'm know that I'm not going to be able to sleep again tonight. The other added...
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I got pics, I got pics, I got pics lalala....
I finally got a folder of pics uploaded for the viewing pleasure of the SG audience.
Since most of the picture of me that currnetly exist are of me in various halloween costumes, I thought that I post a bunch of those. Enjoy and tell me what you think.
I finally got a folder of pics uploaded for the viewing pleasure of the SG audience.
Since most of the picture of me that currnetly exist are of me in various halloween costumes, I thought that I post a bunch of those. Enjoy and tell me what you think.

cool pics. notice you dont like showing your real face. nothing wrong with it cause I personally hate having photos taken unless its for something for Me. I really hate it when someone just walks up and snaps a pic.
Actually those just happen to be the only pics I had of myself on file
So I've been on a mini vaction this week. I hung out with Sue yesterday, we went to the mall and borders. I bought the best book ever, The Batman Handbook. It's a training manual on how to become Batman, with things like how to bulletproof your batmoblie, how to survive a poison gas attack, how to train a sidekick, and how to extract a...
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down in the mouth day
I know that title sounds like a porn title, but thats the way I felt today. I'm just depressed all day today.Sometimes I just feel like I haven't done shit with my life, then I take a look at it really close and see..
that I haven't done shit, and I feel much better (can you smell the sarcasm?)
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I know that title sounds like a porn title, but thats the way I felt today. I'm just depressed all day today.Sometimes I just feel like I haven't done shit with my life, then I take a look at it really close and see..
that I haven't done shit, and I feel much better (can you smell the sarcasm?)
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Thanks for the sweet comment on my set, it made my day.
Hope you feel better soon. If you have lots of great people in your life, chances are, you've done some good things. Good things tend to attract good people.