mmm the sgsc get together was great and for all the people i met it was nice to have met you all.
Work is going great we in the salon made "plan" YEAHHHHH! It is about time too.
The 'bad' cramps are back and I am scared I am sick agian
I hope they go away.
I was suppose to go to a horse show last saturday but it got rained out
the rain day is set for may 16th and I don't know if I can go to that one because one of my groomers want's to take vacation around that time. So I don't know untill I go to work today and talk to that groomer.
I am tired.
I have a new goal for myself....not to be so negitive about my day....I am going to look for the postive in everything and everyone. :putting on rose colored glasses: lol
Work is going great we in the salon made "plan" YEAHHHHH! It is about time too.
The 'bad' cramps are back and I am scared I am sick agian

I was suppose to go to a horse show last saturday but it got rained out

I am tired.
I have a new goal for myself....not to be so negitive about my day....I am going to look for the postive in everything and everyone. :putting on rose colored glasses: lol

Happy birthday, lady. I hope you're feeling better.

You have a balloon next to your name. Happy Birthday!!