So, I don't know if anybody bothered to read my previous entry (besides two people) regarding the experience known as There, but if you haven't, you should, and you really need to check out There. It will change your online life!
Especially anybody who has ever read Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash", this is what he was talking about; about the 'Metaverse'. This is it.
Anyways, I added a couple of more 'My Pics' to entice you all about There(pics # 6-13)... recently took a trip to the Egyptian Tombs in There and have joined a club called 'Xtreme_Skydiving_and_BASEjumping'. So far I have learned the fine art of driving my Dune Buggy off the edge of the 'City in the Sky' 5 miles above ground... with NO parachute! Screen shots coming soon...
UPDATE: Check out new pic #14. Me and my friend driving through the Boneyards of Tyr. Check out that moon! Always shining in Tyr!
Especially anybody who has ever read Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash", this is what he was talking about; about the 'Metaverse'. This is it.
Anyways, I added a couple of more 'My Pics' to entice you all about There(pics # 6-13)... recently took a trip to the Egyptian Tombs in There and have joined a club called 'Xtreme_Skydiving_and_BASEjumping'. So far I have learned the fine art of driving my Dune Buggy off the edge of the 'City in the Sky' 5 miles above ground... with NO parachute! Screen shots coming soon...

UPDATE: Check out new pic #14. Me and my friend driving through the Boneyards of Tyr. Check out that moon! Always shining in Tyr!
[Edited on May 25, 2003]
I went There, but they didn't like me. I had them check my computer components and I guess I need to upgrade my video card. facisits.
just kiddin.
yeah but it sounds like you had fun there. damn you and your robot lovin' ways!