We're here! Okay, so we've been here since last Wednesday night...and while i'd like to comment on everyone's journal who commented on mine, i am opting to post one update entry. But thank you for the luck, 16 hours later we made it! We drove staright through. I was so sore from packing the uhaul that i cuold only drive 3 of those 16 hours.... Read More
tell me why i try to follow the rules in life. i know it seems a bit anti-anarchist, but fuck you, I like rules. i think a world without rules is the kind of world the people who went nutts raping, looting and pillaging want. and when i try to follow the rules and do the right thing, i get stared, glared, or snarled at... Read More
friday was my last day at IPGI...and I have to say I was so relieved that i drank myself pretty silly Friday Night. We're a week and a half closer to being home and I'm beside myself with anticipation.
I'm bleaching my hair out today, just for shits and giggles, I've never been blonde. I figured why not try it.
Well, You will paint again some day. Hopefully a wonderful box of the four seasons with heaven and hell on the inside, feuding... yes.... that's what it should be...
i LOVE hair dye
i wish that stuff had existed when i was her age. its probably been 2 whole years since i've dyed my hair. i miss it.
maybe i should go red too.
happy belated v-day
I swear...sometimes, its just IMPOSSIBLE to do the right thing! I dont feel like ellaborating about it, but I am so stressed out right now. I cant escape and I find myself going to bed at 7pm. now and sleeping as late as possible on the weekends just because I trying to avoid the way i feel right now.