Per a particular persons request, i am updating my journal. (i'm not going to swell your head by mentioning your name or by member name linking you...i'll figure out some other, ahem, swell...your...anyway...)
CUT MY HAIR!! Okay, so i didnt really cut the length because i have a deal with someone that i wouldnt cut my hair any shorter or get any new tattoos until i paid my loan off. I agreed to abide by this rule with a 2 year limit. So last night i was looking for some Bettie Page photos...and well, cut me some bangs...
I think they'll do for now...
CUT MY HAIR!! Okay, so i didnt really cut the length because i have a deal with someone that i wouldnt cut my hair any shorter or get any new tattoos until i paid my loan off. I agreed to abide by this rule with a 2 year limit. So last night i was looking for some Bettie Page photos...and well, cut me some bangs...
I think they'll do for now...
Well, I'm going a-shopping the Evil-O-Mart (aka Wal-Mart), so more later.
i must say
i was holding back a bit on the coolness
cause i was running late for the writers group and you had to go and get lyric and everything
i didnt wanna whip out the toal coolness
cause i get the feeling we could sit around and be cool together and giggle like school girls and shit for hours
if you want in the writers group
we are exchanging stories over email
and we will probably schedule the meetings and stuff over that too
how about i put you on the email list
we are all sending each other stories or poems to read and comment on for the next meeting
then you can stay in it that way
and if you can ever come to one of the meetings then you can
hows that sound??
im listening to DAMIEN JURADO now
he sounds good
its a good possibility i might get this writer communications mngr job in marigny - so i might look for apartments around there
and one part of me like living "in" the city in a more historic kinda looking place and closer to cool stuff
i also hate some of those old buildings and the parking situations and sometimes id just rather be lazy and jump in the car and get stuff - and i find that easier to do in the suburbs
there is a good possibility i might take the 1 bedroom apartment
id know you
and its pretty good prices and what i need
ill hopefully know by the middle of next week
happy thanksgiving