back hurts. Why has this place become the place where i bitch about hings? I always bitch about things. Sometimes i think thats all i do.
I'm alone now. I'm alone alot lately. Not that i dont like that sometimes...but its been alot lately. I guess alone isnt the right word. He's not here. I dont get the chance to really be with someone lately. I'm tired of talking to myself. I'm at work all day being little miss assistant manager pants. OOH! Sort of funny thing happened. Currently my manager and I are displaced from our own office at the property we're at. We are sharing an office with this chick, (she's the manager at this very small property. Its the type of property where there is no assistant and you share your maintenance man and groundskeeper with other small properties. I just realized that may not make sense to others...hmm.), and she is one of those people that are the epitome of power going to the head. She has this attitude that she just knows soo much and, "I went to Law School, I know this...blah blah blah." Ya know one of those who will absolutely have ot be right and when you prove them worng they say things like, "Oh, yeah, well, if you mean this, then yeah, well we're both right." WHAT?! Anyway, she's really not that bad, she's a little annoying, but, just trying to hard. Anyway, right before election, while talking about the candidates, she says something to the effect of her being smarter than the president. Look, I'm sorry, you are NOT smarter than the president. I am not smarter than the president. The president doesnt get to where he is by being a bleeding idiot. True she may differ in her opinions, and even though she may believe so blindly that it seems to be fact, her basis of comparison is merely a matter of difference of opinion. I found this to be one of the most ignorant statements she has said to date.
Anyhoo, where was i going with this? Hold on, let me read what i've typed...
Oh yeah, after the president statement, actually this happened yesterday, She looks up and asks how to spell, "Floyd." Dinah spells it. She starts to right and says in questioning, "F - L - Y - D?" Dinah, Harry and I spell it to her again. Then I say, in passing, "I bet the president could've spelled Floyd."
I am a supreme dork. Right now I am having to listen to my daughter bellow from her room. Her and I, we keepo having thin=s problem. I keep telling her not to touch the TV or stick her fingers in the VCR. I know, I know...what can i say, I'm a horrible parent. Anyway, I told her if she did it again i was going to take her TV away. So I have and she's in her bed now, crying at me . I have to sit here and ignore her. That is the only way to make my point.
My back hurts.
See there i go...bitchin again
I'm alone now. I'm alone alot lately. Not that i dont like that sometimes...but its been alot lately. I guess alone isnt the right word. He's not here. I dont get the chance to really be with someone lately. I'm tired of talking to myself. I'm at work all day being little miss assistant manager pants. OOH! Sort of funny thing happened. Currently my manager and I are displaced from our own office at the property we're at. We are sharing an office with this chick, (she's the manager at this very small property. Its the type of property where there is no assistant and you share your maintenance man and groundskeeper with other small properties. I just realized that may not make sense to others...hmm.), and she is one of those people that are the epitome of power going to the head. She has this attitude that she just knows soo much and, "I went to Law School, I know this...blah blah blah." Ya know one of those who will absolutely have ot be right and when you prove them worng they say things like, "Oh, yeah, well, if you mean this, then yeah, well we're both right." WHAT?! Anyway, she's really not that bad, she's a little annoying, but, just trying to hard. Anyway, right before election, while talking about the candidates, she says something to the effect of her being smarter than the president. Look, I'm sorry, you are NOT smarter than the president. I am not smarter than the president. The president doesnt get to where he is by being a bleeding idiot. True she may differ in her opinions, and even though she may believe so blindly that it seems to be fact, her basis of comparison is merely a matter of difference of opinion. I found this to be one of the most ignorant statements she has said to date.
Anyhoo, where was i going with this? Hold on, let me read what i've typed...
Oh yeah, after the president statement, actually this happened yesterday, She looks up and asks how to spell, "Floyd." Dinah spells it. She starts to right and says in questioning, "F - L - Y - D?" Dinah, Harry and I spell it to her again. Then I say, in passing, "I bet the president could've spelled Floyd."

I am a supreme dork. Right now I am having to listen to my daughter bellow from her room. Her and I, we keepo having thin=s problem. I keep telling her not to touch the TV or stick her fingers in the VCR. I know, I know...what can i say, I'm a horrible parent. Anyway, I told her if she did it again i was going to take her TV away. So I have and she's in her bed now, crying at me . I have to sit here and ignore her. That is the only way to make my point.
My back hurts.
See there i go...bitchin again

B. Maybe you're right about it not being something I should have, and I can't deny the hand shaking.
C. I actually would prefer her to end it first, cause then it'd be easier on her. She's in a bad place, emotionally, and if I break it off she'd do something drastic. That said, I was just in a bad mood when I wrote that. When I'm in a bad mood I want to break it off with everyone and everything, just so I don't have to deal with them.
C2. I should explain that it's my understanding that the last girl I broke it off with tried to kill herself. Hence my apprehension to follow my moody instincts in these cases.
D. Yes, I do want to make out with you.
E. Update your journal.
Edited to add C2.
[Edited on Nov 22, 2004 6:46PM]