well...i'm on the dowslope of this fucking infection. I believe that it was a sinus infection due to the fact it felt like acid or dirty ass coke up the nose everytime i sniffled. I would blow my nose, not that that felt any better, and magically blood would appear. It was really gross. I'm sorry i sucked for few days. I'm sorry to J, Lyric, and everybody else who had to deal with me. I was surprised to find that people kept calling to check on me. Not just like Shaneka, or Darrah, or my mom, but like J's friends and my friends called almost everyday. It really made me feel better. Even though i was pissed because i didnt have anyone to physically take care of me, because i'm a big wuss and that's what i want when i'm sick, it made me feel a little better to know that other people were actually a little concerned. Jonathon, Justin's friend, asked me if i needed anything and offered to go get me something. Sweet.
Sorry, i havent been much for commenting in anyone else's journal. But i appreciate the concern from everyone who commented on mine. Honorable mention goes to LiLMiSsMorBiD for the funny ass comments. They got pain ridden, snot gurgling, giggles my friend! Cheers!
Sorry, i havent been much for commenting in anyone else's journal. But i appreciate the concern from everyone who commented on mine. Honorable mention goes to LiLMiSsMorBiD for the funny ass comments. They got pain ridden, snot gurgling, giggles my friend! Cheers!
I totally understand. When I get this close to quitting, I start smoking only half of a cigarette and then putting it out in my "ashtray", which is full of candle wax (don't ask). Then, when the pack is gone, I go through my "ashtray" and pick out the good ones and clip off the waxy ends and smoke a cigarette that suddenly tastes very much like a scented candle. Shit, I don't lie; when I was younger and I was dying for a quick smoke, I'd pick 'em up off the street and shit. Course, back then I was just some dirty little poor white kid from the wrong side of the tracks with hair down to my shoulders and jeans so torn and patched up they were suddenly in style when all I was trying to do was not get sunburned knees and shit where the Levis had worn out.
All of them know...i have like 4 friends...i like that i only have a few friends. Its so hard to have many many many friends. Maybe just for me. I get annoyed with people quickly...You should not tell your girl...that way i can shamelessly flirt with you...
I actually don't have that many true friends, but a lot of acquanences. I, too, can't handle many people. Or they can't handle me? Either way, it's the same end result. I like the idea of the flirting, and the more I think about it, the more I realize I probably will drive up to her neck of the woods and break it off tomorrow. This shit is just getting too hard on me, only cause I seldom see the light at the end of the tunnel. I dunno, we'll see.
See what quittin' gets ya?! that oughta learn ya boyyyyeee.
Yeah, only this was a pretty good day in the grand scheme of things. Don't worry, I am officially unquit. I picked up some menthols so I won't smoke as much, but the damage is done. Why doesn't Camel sell a true menthol?? I bet it would taste good (though the Turkish Royals or whatever the fuck they are aren't so bad).
Anyways, thanks for the journal entry. It definitely put a smile on my face when I needed it the most today.