Sooo...been on a gaming kick as of late. Finished Star Wars: Force Unleashed last night. I spent almost 2 hours trying to pull the damn Star Destroyer out of the sky, but the onscreen analog sticks were glitched so i had to fuck with it until i got it...pain in my ass. Overall if was fun, but super short. Liked the story line. Next up...nfs... Read More
I think Fallout comes out October 19. Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition is very much worth getting too, if you haven't played it. (power armor smiley)
omg...just got back from seeing Scott Pilgram vs. The world....fucking epic!!! I nerdgasmed all over the place. Loved it. it was soo fun! Anyone who hasn't seen it, you should! That was my was yours?
So i've started watching a new series callled Legend of the Seeker. I'm really really digging it. I've been in my Syfy kick this whole week. Started with Warehouse 13 which although it has really cheesey acting i love the theory of ancient artifacts in a modern day world afecting regular people. My favorite was the episode where a certain melody when played in an... Read More
Good news about my recovery. Each is a little better and the pain is a little less. Not having to take as many pain pills which is good. I hate feeling drugged all the time.
Good news about hubby. We finally got his orders and we are getting stationed in NY! I'm so fucking stoked. I lived in NY... Read More
Had the surgery yesterday. It went well. Got to have the laproscopic which means only 2 weeks of recovery. I'm in quite a bit of pain, but that's as to be expected. Keep me in your thoughts. Hope everyone is having a good week.
ok so fingers crossed my surgery doesnt get cancelled again. If all goes according to the plan ill be in surgery at around 11am cntrl time. Wish me luck and speedy recovery. Hope everyone is doing well.