SCHVEEEET! Can you tell I'm excited?
You can already see the guys trickling into town. This morning I woke up really early, early enough to get breakfast at Denny's, and there was a Hardly-biker group there. I came home after work and immediately crashed out, so now it's 4am and I'm washing clothes.
I'm taking the whole week off from work this year, instead of just Thursday/Friday as I usually do, to hit the vendor tents at the track and see what goodies they have.
I'll be looking for gloves, boots, a new jacket, and a smaller topcase for daily stuff on the DL. I have $4k from the IRS to help the shopping! Wheeee!! PAR-tay!
I'll also be heading to Jacksonville for the Sargent Cycle ( open house. These are the folks that made the really nice seat and quick-release system for my SV, and they'll be having the prototype V-Strom seats for riding.
They have less quality-control issues than Corbin, which is why I switched brands. "Corbins are good, except when they're bad" and that about sums that up.
It'll be cool finally taking the DL for a nice long stretch, where I don't have to be anywhere in a hurry.
SCHVEEEET! Can you tell I'm excited?
You can already see the guys trickling into town. This morning I woke up really early, early enough to get breakfast at Denny's, and there was a Hardly-biker group there. I came home after work and immediately crashed out, so now it's 4am and I'm washing clothes.
I'm taking the whole week off from work this year, instead of just Thursday/Friday as I usually do, to hit the vendor tents at the track and see what goodies they have.
I'll be looking for gloves, boots, a new jacket, and a smaller topcase for daily stuff on the DL. I have $4k from the IRS to help the shopping! Wheeee!! PAR-tay!
I'll also be heading to Jacksonville for the Sargent Cycle ( open house. These are the folks that made the really nice seat and quick-release system for my SV, and they'll be having the prototype V-Strom seats for riding.
They have less quality-control issues than Corbin, which is why I switched brands. "Corbins are good, except when they're bad" and that about sums that up.
It'll be cool finally taking the DL for a nice long stretch, where I don't have to be anywhere in a hurry.
Yeah, some cops will bust you for illegal dark visors on the pretense that they're dangerous and cos you're on a bike, there's no way your clever enough not to sacrifice your own safety. Traffic cops over here are mostly wankers and I hate them. There are one or two with an ounce of common sense that don't try and treat you like a schoolkid but they are very rare. I got fined last year for displaying a license plate slightly smaller than the regs stipulate while two minutes previously I had been nearly killed by some asswipe in a car overtaking on a bend as he was comming towards me. ???????