Crikey! Is this Florida? It was 37F out there on my bike on the way to work yesterday... if I didn't have electric gloves and a nice jacket I would have frozen to death.

And it's even COLDER today! I don't want to go to work!!!
Oh, and another reason I'm out of money is paying 6 large for an air conditioner. (heat pump actually, since it's Florida) Not that it's unexpected, as it's been dying since I bought the house, and I've been saving. The outdoor compressor seized and the indoor coils in the air handler have a nice crack to leak all the Freon out.

I got a jump...
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Well that sounds lovely smile
I'm sure you'll have a romantic time with her!
Happy Holidays! kiss
Now that I have the SV running (at great effort) it's FREEZING out there!! It's 48deg right now.

Oh well, that's what I bought the DL-650 and handguards and a big windscreen for. I was hoping to not have to ride my old man's bike for a change.

On the I-really-didn't-have-money-for-that front, I bought a Nokia N800 pocket computer. I'm tired of my Palms crapping...
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I fixed the rear brake and I can ride the SV again.

Boy, I hate working on brakes. Brake fluid is just really a pain in the ass to deal with.

Well, you know a couple weeks ago I had the bolt on my torque arm come off, and so when I used my rear brake (which I rarely do, it's almost useless on that...
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I need to update more often, since I usually just let the days go by in a blur, and this is not good. On the good side, nobody I know is probably going to read this, and I can prattle on aimlessly.

I met an old friend for dinner, he works at Lockheed now and so we decided to get together. That went really well,...
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Oh my gawd. What a weekend. What a month.

Well I survived Bike Week. 20 people did not. But then with all the idiot driving by all the sprotbike & Harley morons, I'm not surprised. It's evolution in action... average human intelligence goes up by a fraction of a percent. I tagged a GSXR that filtered through all the other bikes and appeared on my...
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SCHVEEEET! Can you tell I'm excited?

You can already see the guys trickling into town. This morning I woke up really early, early enough to get breakfast at Denny's, and there was a Hardly-biker group there. I came home after work and immediately crashed out, so now it's 4am and I'm washing clothes.

I'm taking the whole week off from...
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Yeah, some cops will bust you for illegal dark visors on the pretense that they're dangerous and cos you're on a bike, there's no way your clever enough not to sacrifice your own safety. Traffic cops over here are mostly wankers and I hate them. There are one or two with an ounce of common sense that don't try and treat you like a schoolkid but they are very rare. I got fined last year for displaying a license plate slightly smaller than the regs stipulate while two minutes previously I had been nearly killed by some asswipe in a car overtaking on a bend as he was comming towards me. ???????
Well I suddenly had Friday off so I went back to the museum. My boss said I'd hit the limit and I'd start to lose vacation time, and he'd get in trouble. You don't have to tell me twice to take a day off!

I noticed they're no longer selling the "photograhpy" passes, now you only get the red arm band. I asked about the...
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So I'm working on stuff here, and I accidentally right-click on an rxvt window, instead of left. This kills the window.

Well, since bash is a total piece of shit, this kills all the child processes.

So 12 emacs windows, 17 mozilla windows, 4 gimp windows, and 5 xsane windows all disappear, leaving me with a totally empty screen.

"ohhh, you little piece of shit,...
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Welcome to SGMoto!
Yesterday I had to take my roommate to pick up his car from the repair shop. He paid $350 in parts and $1100 in labor, so I gave him a little shit about a) bikes are MUCH cheaper and b) bikes are MUCH easier to work on.

I did find out a DL-650 isn't much for 2-up, but then again, Mike's a pretty big guy....
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