updates are good...
im eagerly waiting for ministry. was just chatting with trinity about pre-show goodness. hopefully people will respond to my post in the sgboston group so we can get everyone together and have some good times!
im having this AWFUL chest pain right now...right at my sternum. i cant quite figure out why, but it needs to GO AWAY.
i had a fun dream last night, the first in almost 12 years that i remember having. seriously, its been that long since i remembered a dream. whacky eh? so last nights dream :
im at my mom's house, the one she sold a few months ago, and its basically the same, with some added things. only thing i can remember noticing was a cat door in the front door of the house, which didnt exist. at some point though, im sitting at a table talking to my mom, and i cough really hard...and i cough up spaghetti...riiiiight. so this is a tad disturbing because its WHOLE spaghetti, not chewed up. what the fuck? so im looking at this shit in my hand thinking precisely what the previous sentence says. suddenly i realize this shits MOVING. erm...moving spaghetti, is not cool. i take a closer look and realize ITS WORMS. long skinny white worms, i just fucking coughed up. i got really really really sick to my stomach in the dream...hardcore almost puked everywhere. fucking horrible...
but it gets kind of weirder/better. im drawing a blank as to what happened in the middle here, but i know i ended up going to my friends' apartment, trish and tony. they are married in real life, and were also in the dream. at any rate, in real life they own a house, and they dont live in an apartment in a skyrise...as there are no such buildings where we all are from
so i go there, and walk in through some sliding glass doors on the front of the place, and tony is sitting there working on something...playing a game, or fiddling with some electronics, i dont recall what. so i say hi, and go into the next room to find trish. were chatting it up like friends are want to do. then it occurs to me, shes flirting badly. well...i cant say id mind, trish is, after all, one of the cutest, sweetest girls i know. shes absolutely TINY, and its awesome. so were both flirting back and forth to some extent, and i have this large desire to kiss her. i believe right as i woke up i was kissing her on the cheek. it was...interesting.
i believe the reason for me remembering this dream, may have something to do with a conversation i had with my friend lori back in PA. she was telling me her dreams from the past few nights, and how they all related. i had mentioned how i NEVER remember mine. i think this may have caused me to remember this one...though i cant explain the WORMS. ugh...absolutely horrible experience there. also, i was talking to this same girl, about my friends halloween party...tony and trish's party
maybe this all somehow relates to the dream...maybe. or possibly im just insanely afraid of worms? hahah not really.
im gonna go NOT think about worms now
im eagerly waiting for ministry. was just chatting with trinity about pre-show goodness. hopefully people will respond to my post in the sgboston group so we can get everyone together and have some good times!
im having this AWFUL chest pain right now...right at my sternum. i cant quite figure out why, but it needs to GO AWAY.
i had a fun dream last night, the first in almost 12 years that i remember having. seriously, its been that long since i remembered a dream. whacky eh? so last nights dream :
im at my mom's house, the one she sold a few months ago, and its basically the same, with some added things. only thing i can remember noticing was a cat door in the front door of the house, which didnt exist. at some point though, im sitting at a table talking to my mom, and i cough really hard...and i cough up spaghetti...riiiiight. so this is a tad disturbing because its WHOLE spaghetti, not chewed up. what the fuck? so im looking at this shit in my hand thinking precisely what the previous sentence says. suddenly i realize this shits MOVING. erm...moving spaghetti, is not cool. i take a closer look and realize ITS WORMS. long skinny white worms, i just fucking coughed up. i got really really really sick to my stomach in the dream...hardcore almost puked everywhere. fucking horrible...
but it gets kind of weirder/better. im drawing a blank as to what happened in the middle here, but i know i ended up going to my friends' apartment, trish and tony. they are married in real life, and were also in the dream. at any rate, in real life they own a house, and they dont live in an apartment in a skyrise...as there are no such buildings where we all are from

i believe the reason for me remembering this dream, may have something to do with a conversation i had with my friend lori back in PA. she was telling me her dreams from the past few nights, and how they all related. i had mentioned how i NEVER remember mine. i think this may have caused me to remember this one...though i cant explain the WORMS. ugh...absolutely horrible experience there. also, i was talking to this same girl, about my friends halloween party...tony and trish's party

im gonna go NOT think about worms now

Nyah, the hurricanes did nothing but bring me in some money. People love to buy bread when doom is swirling over head.
If you do come back down, you'll have to let me know so we can hang out. I promise not to put you to work this time around! Hah!