for some odd reason today, my eyes hurt. im talking physical pain, like touching them makes me cringe. as if that werent bad enough, i seem very light sensitive today. i almost died when i opened my eyes this morning, with the sun beaming into my room. it hurt, BAD. i thought id feel better if i ate and took a shower, but it didnt work. when i stepped out the door to go to work, i wasnt quite sure id make it to my car alive. i felt like a vampire i suppose, cringing away from the sun and hiding in the shadows. once i got my sunglasses on, it was much better...not perfect, but better.
the cabaret show was awesome, finally got to meet some more sg's and some sgboston peeps. all very good people. now all i have to do is be more social next time instead of hiding in the corner for the first few hours
the cabaret show was awesome, finally got to meet some more sg's and some sgboston peeps. all very good people. now all i have to do is be more social next time instead of hiding in the corner for the first few hours

Sorry for the delay in response and belated befriendship reciprocity. I've been living without internet- the why is explained in my journal.
Glad to have met you.
Acceptance speeches for my awards are quite free-form. Babble about whatever you wish!