Thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday. It would be nice if I had enough free time to actually respond to them all, but with 12- 14 hour work days, 7 days a week, and dating someone new, my time is pretty much eaten alive daily. Im fucking tired and i need to sleep, but work has become my home for at least the next week. i need a drink.
Thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday. It would be nice if I had enough free time to actually respond to them all, but with 12- 14 hour work days, 7 days a week, and dating someone new, my time is pretty much eaten alive daily. Im fucking tired and i need to sleep, but work has become my home for at least the next week. i need a drink.
we'll get you a drink soon.
holy fuck, yeah we need to catch up dude. hit me up sometime this week, maybe we can catch dinner or something.