Yesterday morning I was a good girl and cleaned the deck. It was covered in dust, leaves, spiders (and their webs) and cigarette butts (thanks stupid roommate for putting those in my plants).
I was super hungry and wanted my pay check so I went to the restaurant to have lunch. I get a cold shoulder from the AM but a girl I'm friends with was there so I chatted with her a bit then asked the AM for my check. She gave me some attitude but I figured it was due to the owner being there.
As she's leaving she pulls me aside and says if I have something tell her I can say it to her face and then something about being two faced and that I know what she's talking about. I'm thinking a) I have nfc what you're talking about and b) who fucking cares? You're no longer my boss! WTF.
I spent the rest of the day sorting records then headed to White Horse with SGLA. I had a blast. nonsense and bean know how to show a girl a good time. That's all I'm sayin'.
And now more pictures from prom (thanks obd.
This was right after nefaria spread my legs so far I thought I was a wishbone.
Return of Whiskey Eyebrow!
I lubs her.
Not sure what bean i doing this.
We're cute.

I was super hungry and wanted my pay check so I went to the restaurant to have lunch. I get a cold shoulder from the AM but a girl I'm friends with was there so I chatted with her a bit then asked the AM for my check. She gave me some attitude but I figured it was due to the owner being there.
As she's leaving she pulls me aside and says if I have something tell her I can say it to her face and then something about being two faced and that I know what she's talking about. I'm thinking a) I have nfc what you're talking about and b) who fucking cares? You're no longer my boss! WTF.
I spent the rest of the day sorting records then headed to White Horse with SGLA. I had a blast. nonsense and bean know how to show a girl a good time. That's all I'm sayin'.
And now more pictures from prom (thanks obd.

This was right after nefaria spread my legs so far I thought I was a wishbone.

Return of Whiskey Eyebrow!

I lubs her.

Not sure what bean i doing this.

We're cute.

Cool pics, looks like you had a good time.