Please tell me--if any of you are a server at a restaurant--please, please tell me why you bother to ask me if I want lemon in my iced tea if you're just going to give it to me anyway? Why? I say no (every time). And (every time) without fail, when the drink comes...whoa-ho... there's a fucking lemon in it. Why bother? Why bullshit me? Why act like anything I tell you is going to make a difference? The goddamn lemon is going to be there whether I like it or not...
Just do me the service of never asking again... it won't get my hopes up that way.
Please know that the lemon in the iced tea question is sort of like the M&M clause in Van Halen's (or whoever the hell it was) tour rider. If they saw the wrong color M&M, there was hell to pay. That's how I feel about my tea... if I see a lemon, the tip starts dropping automatically, and you have a lot of work to do to bring it back up to a respectable level.
I don't think I'm being unreasonable here. I'm not trying to be a prick. But, damn... how does it happen like this EVERY TIME?

Just do me the service of never asking again... it won't get my hopes up that way.
Please know that the lemon in the iced tea question is sort of like the M&M clause in Van Halen's (or whoever the hell it was) tour rider. If they saw the wrong color M&M, there was hell to pay. That's how I feel about my tea... if I see a lemon, the tip starts dropping automatically, and you have a lot of work to do to bring it back up to a respectable level.
I don't think I'm being unreasonable here. I'm not trying to be a prick. But, damn... how does it happen like this EVERY TIME?

I know. Trying to let go of the control...
I hope your doing better!