Thanks to all of you who offered your condolences.
This is the woman that the world lost:
1 -She did not deal in the currency of bullshit. She didn't give it, nor did she take it... from anyone.
2 -She cheated at cards--ALWAYS. She fudged the numbers when keeping score against her husband and closest friends, and she used shady maneuvering against her children and grandkids. It taught us all the number one lesson in life that showed itself to be true, time and time again: Grandma always wins. Always.
3 -Grandma didn't lose her battle against cancer. You can't lose a battle that you didn't fight. (See point 2)
4 -She already kicked death's ass enough times, anyhow. She went toe to toe with cancer twice before and kicked its ass both times. She beat a heart attack. I don't know how many major surgeries she had undergone in her old age, but she came out of each one determined to cut the projected recovery time in half--and often did. A lot of people meet Death only once and lose. Grandma went at least 8-1... that's a winning record.
5 -No one is allowed to leave Grandma's house until the food is all gone. We are all fat and bloated. (See point 2)
6 -She was absolutely awesome.
So much more to tell. So much more... ♥
This is the woman that the world lost:
1 -She did not deal in the currency of bullshit. She didn't give it, nor did she take it... from anyone.
2 -She cheated at cards--ALWAYS. She fudged the numbers when keeping score against her husband and closest friends, and she used shady maneuvering against her children and grandkids. It taught us all the number one lesson in life that showed itself to be true, time and time again: Grandma always wins. Always.
3 -Grandma didn't lose her battle against cancer. You can't lose a battle that you didn't fight. (See point 2)
4 -She already kicked death's ass enough times, anyhow. She went toe to toe with cancer twice before and kicked its ass both times. She beat a heart attack. I don't know how many major surgeries she had undergone in her old age, but she came out of each one determined to cut the projected recovery time in half--and often did. A lot of people meet Death only once and lose. Grandma went at least 8-1... that's a winning record.
5 -No one is allowed to leave Grandma's house until the food is all gone. We are all fat and bloated. (See point 2)
6 -She was absolutely awesome.
So much more to tell. So much more... ♥
Your grandma is cheating my grandma at cards?!?!? In heaven?!?!
Ahhh. I did do a few of those.