Bah, Merry Christmass.

Life will get better when this week is over.

Right now every Admin in the country is trying to finish up their server migrations before they go on vacation.

Darn them.

Thank goodness none of them learned to read technical documents. Otherwise I'd be out of a job. Or be a 'real' mechanic instead of a 'twenty-first century' mechanic like I always...
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So my OCS packet goes in next week.

By the end of the summer I'll be yet another eight week wonder wearing a butter bar.

Hell I've been doing a Captain's (O-3) job for the last year.

Course with my luck they'll branch me as either Cav. or Inf.

Not MI or Artillery which means I'd have to leave my Battalion.

Per Angusta Ad Augusta,...
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Have we ever met? You look familiarish.
So we go into the final weekend of the election.

And things seem to be getting stranger every day.

Not to be a jerk, but what is with the Left these days?

Seriously, I may not have liked Clinton as a person. But I never viewed him with the kind of venom that seems directed to George Bush. I almost want to think that they...
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welcome to sg conservative smile
thanks. kiss
Man there is nothing like living in the dirt for two weeks to make you appreciate a nice cold shower. Or lying on carpet. Or being worken up by an alarm clock instead of Small Arms Fire (simulated or real).

I love and loath Field Problems. An excuse to run on two hours of sleep a night and one meal a day for two weeks....
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Thanks for the newswire submission. I've gotten a bunch of articles on the subject, but as I've told everyone, since it still remains firmly within the realm of speculation I'm not going to publish anything until there's a little more evidence one way or the other.
Thank you for the comment on my set the other day! kiss
I love it how a plan comes together some times.

About two months ago my job site got a 60-day notice that they'd be closing it down. Needless to say I wasn't thrilled. Tech during a time of mass layoffs can be hell. And while things are picking up over all it would still be nasty locally.

Then I get a call to interview for...
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So I just finished David Hackworth's book, "About Face".

Very good stuff. Even though the last 200 pages or so were a really hard read since they deal with the time that he lost his 'love' for the Army.

Now some people hate the military. Others are ok with it but only as long as it doesn't effect them. Some like it enough to serve...
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I liked your comments to Isadore (& the rest of us) about the duality of America as the world's watch dog. Of course, my opinion doesn't really matter because I'm Canadian, and one living in the US no less. biggrin
I've always ackowledged that the position America occupies on the global stage is probably the toughest. You're the international hero, the dreamers, the doers, the money makers... and the flip side is just as broad in terms. Tough stuff.
ahhh ya know..... no stiches just a cast and crutches- wait is that what you said? anyway. annoying very annoying. but oh well. sigh.
Happy Freedom's Eve.

And When the Fuck are we going to get the No-Holds-Barred fight between Mrs. Bush and Mrs. Kerry?

Ok, failing that I want to see one of the Bush Twins and Kerry's Step-daughter going at it doing some mud wrestling.

Who's with me?
It is amazing how good sleeping in feels.

Life seems so complex sometimes. But it is the simple things that make us happy. Sometimes we forget that. Always we should be reminded of it.

Do something that makes you content today. Not happy, content.
Why do we let ourselves get dragged down by the little things?
Because were trying hard not to get to the big thing, or at lest thats me.