A fun day today,
I was doing 60mph down the A2 towards London in heavy rain when my windshield wiper decides that life is obviously too much to bear and all but shears off.
I was kinda of dissapointed that there was no awesome sci-fiy "sherranng" sound or a close up of it as it pirouetted into someone elses windscreen but then I've probably just been watching too much anime.
Instead it just came loose from the U shaped metal hook and was flung around over the surface of my windscreen like a crooked metal ragdoll untill I overcame my surprise and shut it down.
Unfortunatley it was still raining and hard, in no time at all my windscreen was drowned in rain water and I could barely see. I switched it back on just to clear my view, rather foolishly it turned out as the horrible scraping sound confirmed my worst fears.
It wasn't going to fix itself, it wasn't going to come completely loose either and I was miles from work driving in the fast lane with nowhere to stop.... nice
I did the only thing I could do in the circumstances and drove with a view like that of looking through an ice sheet.
Fortunatley it wasn't totally light and all the cars rear lights were shining brightly, something I'm not usually amused to find myself looking at.
Even more fortunate, the rain slowed down soon after and I wa sable to see nough to get to a rest area and set about restoring the beleagured metal strip with a frayed temper and a great deal of cursing.
I think I'll treat myself to some new wipers very soon.
Work is quite frankly getting absurdly funny for all the wrong reasons.
Our "fabulous" new program that the other team (of which I was previously a member) have been using for well over half a year without too many hassles has been implemented on our side with all the skill, knowledege and forward planning of a piss up in a brewery. Only wthout the drink.
Speaking of drinks, the other team is told today that they've been taking too much time out of their working hours to get tea/coffee etc and that they have to cut down on the amount they're drinking.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry but I do know that the big cheese has still got to wait a while before he can have those robots he so obvioulsy desires.
On the other hand, even with the immense problems our system is suffering I did manage to get a surprisingly large amount of work done and have been feeling strangely mellow and much, much calmer then I usually do at work this week.
This evening has been quite enjoyable, I have watched the first epiosdes of several high profile new anime series thanks to bit-torrent and the tireless efforts of the fansubbing groups.
Massive thanks to all of them.
Most interesting of the new series I watched was "Gankutsuou", not sure what it means in english but it's a Japanese animated take on the old age "Count of Monte Cristo" story. Set in a space age future where interplantary travel is common and people wear funky clothes with holographic images cascading over ever contour. Interestingly the culture is exactly as it is in the true story of the Count of MC, i.e. it is one of nobility with grand palaces and extravagant dressings and er.. spaceships. No robots though which is surprising and not in an sarcastic way. I never cease to be amazed by the Japanese's ability to squeeze robots into even the most unfitting settings (see Turn A Gundam).
It sounds like a somewhat jarring mixture but it all works surprisingly well and you can't help but be drawn into the lavishly animated world presented to you for the 24 mintutes. It held my attention well and managed a couple of scenes of genuine tension so I will definately be checking out the future epsiodes. If you've been looking for a classy anime without robots or overzealous fanservice then this is well worth a watch.
Later on I sat down for the second episode of my favourite western series, Stargate SG-1 and even better the new spinoff series, Stargate:Atlantis. SG-1 is as entertaining as ever, I'm always surprised and thrilled to see that this show manages to maintain it's appeal and charm when so many others grow stale and fall by the wayside. Atlantis was interesting, not much happened but a lot of glimpses of very intriguing technology and characters was shown and I eagerly await the pliot chapters conclusion.
So I had a pretty fun and very entertaining evening but to top it all I switch my computer on and log on here to find that I have my first friend request.
I might be slow getting to know people but it's nice to find that I'm not standing still.
Thank you Sinope, I hope we can get to know one another.
I was doing 60mph down the A2 towards London in heavy rain when my windshield wiper decides that life is obviously too much to bear and all but shears off.
I was kinda of dissapointed that there was no awesome sci-fiy "sherranng" sound or a close up of it as it pirouetted into someone elses windscreen but then I've probably just been watching too much anime.

Instead it just came loose from the U shaped metal hook and was flung around over the surface of my windscreen like a crooked metal ragdoll untill I overcame my surprise and shut it down.
Unfortunatley it was still raining and hard, in no time at all my windscreen was drowned in rain water and I could barely see. I switched it back on just to clear my view, rather foolishly it turned out as the horrible scraping sound confirmed my worst fears.
It wasn't going to fix itself, it wasn't going to come completely loose either and I was miles from work driving in the fast lane with nowhere to stop.... nice

I did the only thing I could do in the circumstances and drove with a view like that of looking through an ice sheet.

Fortunatley it wasn't totally light and all the cars rear lights were shining brightly, something I'm not usually amused to find myself looking at.

Even more fortunate, the rain slowed down soon after and I wa sable to see nough to get to a rest area and set about restoring the beleagured metal strip with a frayed temper and a great deal of cursing.
I think I'll treat myself to some new wipers very soon.
Work is quite frankly getting absurdly funny for all the wrong reasons.
Our "fabulous" new program that the other team (of which I was previously a member) have been using for well over half a year without too many hassles has been implemented on our side with all the skill, knowledege and forward planning of a piss up in a brewery. Only wthout the drink.

Speaking of drinks, the other team is told today that they've been taking too much time out of their working hours to get tea/coffee etc and that they have to cut down on the amount they're drinking.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry but I do know that the big cheese has still got to wait a while before he can have those robots he so obvioulsy desires.
On the other hand, even with the immense problems our system is suffering I did manage to get a surprisingly large amount of work done and have been feeling strangely mellow and much, much calmer then I usually do at work this week.
This evening has been quite enjoyable, I have watched the first epiosdes of several high profile new anime series thanks to bit-torrent and the tireless efforts of the fansubbing groups.
Massive thanks to all of them.

Most interesting of the new series I watched was "Gankutsuou", not sure what it means in english but it's a Japanese animated take on the old age "Count of Monte Cristo" story. Set in a space age future where interplantary travel is common and people wear funky clothes with holographic images cascading over ever contour. Interestingly the culture is exactly as it is in the true story of the Count of MC, i.e. it is one of nobility with grand palaces and extravagant dressings and er.. spaceships. No robots though which is surprising and not in an sarcastic way. I never cease to be amazed by the Japanese's ability to squeeze robots into even the most unfitting settings (see Turn A Gundam).
It sounds like a somewhat jarring mixture but it all works surprisingly well and you can't help but be drawn into the lavishly animated world presented to you for the 24 mintutes. It held my attention well and managed a couple of scenes of genuine tension so I will definately be checking out the future epsiodes. If you've been looking for a classy anime without robots or overzealous fanservice then this is well worth a watch.

Later on I sat down for the second episode of my favourite western series, Stargate SG-1 and even better the new spinoff series, Stargate:Atlantis. SG-1 is as entertaining as ever, I'm always surprised and thrilled to see that this show manages to maintain it's appeal and charm when so many others grow stale and fall by the wayside. Atlantis was interesting, not much happened but a lot of glimpses of very intriguing technology and characters was shown and I eagerly await the pliot chapters conclusion.
So I had a pretty fun and very entertaining evening but to top it all I switch my computer on and log on here to find that I have my first friend request.

I might be slow getting to know people but it's nice to find that I'm not standing still.
Thank you Sinope, I hope we can get to know one another.

Glad you survived the Suicidal Wiperblade fiasco. Which anime shows are your favorites? My girlfriend is an anime nut and has gotten me hooked.
Good to meet ya!