ohhh my, i think the one thing i love most about septmeber, other than annoying highschool childen going back to scool and staying the FUCK out of my way, is the one day a year i get to ride around in a stretch SUV and get obnoxiously drunk.
that's right! it was my best dude friend's anually big money birthday bonaza!
this year we drove around and convinced passers by that we were in a (not so) imaginary band
of course it was all made even better getting to ride around with the lovely seraa
alot videotape was made, and if i can ever convice the guy with the camera to actually send me some pictures, then ill have you all share in the fun too
i also managed to move out my parent's basement and into the basement apartent of my o so mysterious significant other. He's still getting used to all my girly stuff, but we're just so domestic together it can get sickening
he has also turned me on the wonders of tabasco sauce on pizza
that's right! it was my best dude friend's anually big money birthday bonaza!
this year we drove around and convinced passers by that we were in a (not so) imaginary band
of course it was all made even better getting to ride around with the lovely seraa
alot videotape was made, and if i can ever convice the guy with the camera to actually send me some pictures, then ill have you all share in the fun too
i also managed to move out my parent's basement and into the basement apartent of my o so mysterious significant other. He's still getting used to all my girly stuff, but we're just so domestic together it can get sickening
he has also turned me on the wonders of tabasco sauce on pizza