YAY. It's Friday! Yay! Season Finales tonight and I actually got it off! Still trying to figure out when I made the deal with the devil to get a friday off. Must have been in my sleep.

Sooo, just sitting here watching FireFly on scifi channel, trying to convince myself to go clean something. tongue tongue tongue
The kitten knocked the trash over, it's spewed across the entire...
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Hey, you show you like two things of great taste in your photo. Cats and dragons . Though I could be wrong about the dragons.
good call about the drawing.

I know a girl who got the dragon across the tummy thing. I don't think it suited her, she was a little skinny (but tall, very tall), and it dominated her whole stomach. It was a winged western green dragon, curled up but spread out ala-smaug from the Hobbit.

But then Dragons tend to do that. Thought about getting a dragon tat one day, but it would have to be balanced with a phoenix on the other side, and it'd have be eastern.

In the last week I've picked up seven new books and the new Harry Potter, which is awsome. Heh heh. I've been a busy girl, my eyes are starting to hurt! biggrin Found some new, well new to me, C. J. Cherryh novels. Which is awsome as I love her. Never read Cyteen? You should, it's very relevant to where we are today with genetics and...
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Ooh, the new Harry Potter. My friends and got our copies at the midnight release, and then I read it in one day eeek Well, my excuse was, it was too big and heavy to take to Japan with me!
My Sim appears to be having a better life than I am!!!! Again!

I knew it! So, how does one go about becoming a Sim anyways? wink
Ahhh, "live another life" was fun. Got to bring one of my favorite characters out for a walk. Frank is the main character in my novel, Siren Song. I love the guy.
Someday, I hope you find it on a store shelf preferably with a bestseller sticker on it! biggrin But that day's a ways off, yet.

After being up until nearly six this morning, I...
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love kiss blush
What is the premise of your story?
(March1st : Live another life day)

Name - Frank Donaldson
Occupation - Siren Hunter
Location - Devshom, England
Music - Big Bad VooDoo Daddy

So, another day, another dollar. Isn't that what they say? In my case another day, another scar. Damn Sirens are pissing me off. They're getting faster or I'm getting slower. Not sure which thought bothers me more.
The one we hunted...
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Very nice! But dang it! Now I want to read more!!!

More I tell you MOOOORE!!!! biggrin
Tonight I let the bottle try to drink you off my mind. blackeyed
Hooray! Writing. Sort of. Do notes count? Just suddenly realised part of the premise for one of my books was complete and utter crap while watching the Science channel. LOL
Now I'm forced to do research and take notes to come up with something that actually works. :::Reasons I usually stay the hell away from writing sci-fi.
To give you an idea, this is a...
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A fine whine.. thas a good one, ghaha, tho I must add that I do think it's a good think I got, erm, uncorked? wink
Ghaha u too huh? How'd it go down, with your boyfriend or..? I lost it to an older woman blush ..but it was a GOOD night, ghehe. I stick to my own age now tho biggrin

..oh and thanx for the add!! Now I can easily check if you post any be-jacketed pics tongue
Damn. Olympics are over. I hate that. It's always depressing when the flame goes out, or maybe that's just me. wink
So, I'm consoling myself listening to my 5th Element soundtrack. Heh. God I love Ruby Rod. LOL

"Quiver ladies, quiver."

"And now we enter what must the most beautiful concert hall of all the universe. A perfect replica of the old opera house... But who...
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Chocolate covered blueberries definitely win over more dishes. Of course, I'm only getting the blueberries because I'm driving 5 hours to get them out of trouble! Definitely not a gift out of the goodness of their hearts I must say. frown
yeah, the show @ bernies is definitely gonna be a good time! i know a few SG peeps are gonna be making it out! if ya cant make that one, the next day i have a show in troy which is just over an hour from cbus. lots of people are coming to that one...and we're even having a pre-punknite-party before the show. that one is on the 18th & the poster for it is in my journal. if ya want more details just ask or join my SG dayton - cincy group & ill let ya in! but i hope you make it out to something so we can meet ya!
Unh, worked until almost eleven thirty tonight. I busted my ass. Did get some decent tips though, but if I never see another dish as long as I live it will be to soon!!
Is a dishwasher too much to ask for?? mad Seriously, waitresses in big resteraunts have it easy. I do the job of four people. Waiting tables, cooking the food, bussing tables, doing...
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Nipple Nuts are there

Hello, saw you in grumpyoldbastard comments page. Checked you out, and just have to ask: Tom or Colin (Baker, that is)?
Let's see, Mom's out of the hospital and back home. Yay. My little brother, on the other hand, may be making his own hospital trip, Mom says he seems to have Pleurisy.(Super Pneumonia)

My younger sister hasn't spoken to me since my abortive trip back home last month. Seems she's holding it against me that I couldn't make it on the plane. She has a...
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That's true. You were pretty close to Canada!

That's one of the reasons I love PBS! Father Ted marathons on a semi-regular basis!!!!

mad ARRR!!! love
Ooooh, I went to see Underworld 2 today. It was awesome.
Great special effects. Can't wait for the next installment. biggrin But, it was cold as hell! Went to see it with Kevin's brother, we had to walk up to the bus stop. Only about a twenty minute walk but damn! It was frigid, add in the twenty minutes we had to wait for the bus...
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why thank you, sweetface... I always was a sucker for a red-head ;-)
Father Ted!!!!!! Whoo! One of my favourites! Seems we share a taste for offbeat Brit coms!

I want a morphine button. Would make meetings so much more interesting! wink
Well, you see it's... research! Research is required for all great things in life. Wisdom doesn't come without an investment of time! So through careful study you have become a Whologist! An impressive title, I must say! biggrin
great new toy smile
Oooh! Thank you for the Olympic review! Wait. There were cows on ice? And skaters with flames coming out of their heads? Those are 2 of my favourite things in the world!!! Though the whole human heart concept seems kind of creepy for an opening ceremony. Hmm. Perhaps the whole forest thing isn't so bad after all.

Did I mention the French chef??? biggrin
hey whats up