I want to finish my first novel this year. Big resolution. Not like something publishable. Just something I've been working on a long time. It's fragment narrative metafiction. Stupid journal stuff basically. I also want to work on a concept album or maybe just turn it into a story. I have most of the backbone for it, I just want to make sure the writing...
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So, I have two arm tattoos, a side piece, a calf piece, and even more ink on the inside of my lip. I think I have some addiction to tattooing. I'm in love with all my artwork, but I really don't have the cash to keep this up. I'm trying to persevere through school. It's too expensive. Everything is too expensive I guess. So it...
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Tattoos are a awesome addiction. I just got my first and I already have a lot of ideas for more. I want my left arm to be a collage of Japanese art.