wow was i depressing sorry for eveyone who had to read all my last posts. puke Oh well people go through bad times I hope everyone has been doing well
Puking Sucks. puke mad
Yeah I know they will, in fact they may well be looking up already. I just got a webdesign job offer, its in Greeley though, and I am in Englewood, so not sure if that really is a good thing biggrin But its probably a damn sight better than the one I have now... yup, and I am rambling. Its early, its friday and I just want to go back to bed frown Just hope that 5 o'clock comes quickly.
Thanks... you too smile
Rollergirls on A&E every monday night. I think I have a new show to get hooked on. My kind of women.
Bouncing Souls and Rise Against show was awesome btw. ARRR!!!
was that last night?

i was wondering where all the indie/scene kids were. the dandy warhols show had a disproportionate amount of old people and i was confused...
you should go see the (international) noise conspiracy at rock island on wednesday. they're way fun to watch.
BRIGHT EYES TONIGHT eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek eeek
it was cool meeting you too! and quite random, i thought.

that show made me very very happy! biggrin
What a great weekend! I got piss drunk and met a lot of good people. Tonight my neighbor called me and said that three kids were trying to break into my house. So naturally I ran out there with the first clubbing tool I could find and confronted them. I have their names and addresses then I threatened to get my gun and shoot them...
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I'm not totally sure what time I'm getting to the show. I'm heading down there with my roommate and meeting a few other people beforehand. I'll have my phone with me, so feel free to give me a call. 720-470-7942.
Saw Social D last night. It was my first time seeing them and it was god damn awesome! I loved The Dead 60's and Bullets & Octane too. The only complaint that I had about the show is that it was so damn packed. I cant believe that some people are doing all four nights of that. eeek
Yeah, I'll be at the atmosphere show also
Saw death cab lastnight made me feel worse about the whole long distance thing. Great fucking concert though.