i was in taco bell today and i was reminded how much customers suck. i was waiting behind this lady and she was bitchin' about last time she came in there she got the wrong order. she revealed that it was a week ago that she came in. why is she waiting a week to come in and complain? they asked her if she had her receipt, she said why would she keep her reciept. i am thinking, well if you remebered to come in and bitch about your wrong order, why wouldn't you think to keep you reciept? anyhow they wouldn't do anything for her without a reciept. on one hand it is just a taco, taco bell could have kicked it down for her. on the other hand...CUSTOMERS ARE MORONS!!! i mean, who cares if you got the wrong shit? i mean it happens to me all the time. either you go in and complain right away or you say oh well and go on with you life. the ladies solution to not getting her free food was that she was going to come back a week later with her new reciept and lie about getting the wrong thing. i mean come on that seems like alot of work just for a free taco.
personally i say fuck that bitch. i think it has been beat into too many peoples heads that the customer is always right. sure they are paying for a service and they should get what they want but alot of people also think it means they can act any way they want and get away with it. here is the thing, most places you go to, the people helping you aren't getting paid much. you think they really care about you? i mean yeah i want to help people out but not if they are dicks to me. often times when i was working customer services at diffrent places. people would come and and demand shit. i am thiking "fuck you." i mean no matter how fucked up your order got or whatever, it doesn't help to yell at the peons. cause first of all they could do shit to your food and second of all it is not going to make them want to help you.
one time when i was working at a movie theater, this couple comes in with emergency passes because the last movie they saw there broke or something. there was a long line at the box office that they didn't want to wait in. they come in and tell me "here is what you are going to do, take our passes and let us in." now if i really felt like it, i could have done that but they were being dicks so i called my manager tim(yes the same one i live with, that is how we met in fact). he keeps out and they are rude right off the bat. they wanted him to go in the box office and get the tickets for them. he could have done it but he didn't and i think they left in a huff. now if they had just been nice about it, they would have saw their movie.
that is my rant for the day.
personally i say fuck that bitch. i think it has been beat into too many peoples heads that the customer is always right. sure they are paying for a service and they should get what they want but alot of people also think it means they can act any way they want and get away with it. here is the thing, most places you go to, the people helping you aren't getting paid much. you think they really care about you? i mean yeah i want to help people out but not if they are dicks to me. often times when i was working customer services at diffrent places. people would come and and demand shit. i am thiking "fuck you." i mean no matter how fucked up your order got or whatever, it doesn't help to yell at the peons. cause first of all they could do shit to your food and second of all it is not going to make them want to help you.
one time when i was working at a movie theater, this couple comes in with emergency passes because the last movie they saw there broke or something. there was a long line at the box office that they didn't want to wait in. they come in and tell me "here is what you are going to do, take our passes and let us in." now if i really felt like it, i could have done that but they were being dicks so i called my manager tim(yes the same one i live with, that is how we met in fact). he keeps out and they are rude right off the bat. they wanted him to go in the box office and get the tickets for them. he could have done it but he didn't and i think they left in a huff. now if they had just been nice about it, they would have saw their movie.
that is my rant for the day.
thank you thank you
Every day I have to deal with evil customers like that, there is no limit to their complaining/ rudeness/ selfishness.
But they are all morons.