why is it that when you want to sleep and you live with people below you they have to go and start screaming at full blast? then when you walk down there to tell them to keep it down the dude that started and the whole thing and doesnt live there has to be apart of a general group of people you never get along with. (i would go into detail but i dont want to get labeled something i'm really not) this dude made me want to just go all ONG BAK:The Thai Warrior on him in less than 15 seconds. record time. now i'm up. i need to get ready to go to work and eat some breakfast.
I need a second job for reals. I need to figure something out here, in this department.
- fuck
why is it that when you want to sleep and you live with people below you they have to go and start screaming at full blast? then when you walk down there to tell them to keep it down the dude that started and the whole thing and doesnt live there has to be apart of a general group of people you never get along with. (i would go into detail but i dont want to get labeled something i'm really not) this dude made me want to just go all ONG BAK:The Thai Warrior on him in less than 15 seconds. record time. now i'm up. i need to get ready to go to work and eat some breakfast.
I need a second job for reals. I need to figure something out here, in this department.
- fuck
and it was good finally meetin you sunday