(Note: certain names have been changed because... I dunno. I'm weird and paranoid like that.)
Well so much for my big plans of a long bike ride. I woke up at 9am and I heard rain so I thought 'screw that.' And went back to sleep.
Woke back up at noon and got up. Cleaned up my room a bit (a lot.) Then I went out. Ended up meating up with a buddy from work, well old job (for both of us now) EB Games. We hung out at Borders for a while, that was fun.
Saw my ex's (I hate that term... I hate saying it. I feel like I gave up whenever I say like. Like she this girl I went out with then got bored of, or gave up on, or something... I feel like such a rotten guy when I say it. Or that she did something bad. Which isn't true! We're both good people at heart, her better than I. I just wasn't treating her the way she deserved to be treated. So I guess maybe I should feel bad each time I'm forced to say "ex." Maybe it'll serve to remind me of how I need to get my act together before there's a list of ex's. I dont want that. I wanted her to be my first and last love.) Anyways. I saw my ex's best friend there at Borders and said hello. She (the friend, Suzy) had just gotten back from Paris, France like... a week ago. So I asked how that was and made about 2 min worth of small talk. It was kind of awkward. I felt like I was at dinner with my fiances parents who I had just met 10 min before. I asked her how Ange was and she said; "she's doing good. Really good actually."
And I squeaked out; "oh, good, good." It sounded like the mother had just asked me, "how do you like the pot roast dear?" And the pot roast tastes like charcoal and puke. But not wanting to hurt her I say, "oh, good, good." While trying to shallow a bite.
"How're you doing?" She politely asked, itching to get away it seemed.
"Ok, fine, yeah ok. You know."
"Uh-huh," looking the other way not really paying attenion. "Well back to the grind, see-ya." She finished while walking off.
As soon as she left the first thing in my head was, 'really good? She's doing "really good?" Fuck! I wish I was doing "really good." No, no, that's great. Really. I'm glad. I really am, I hope she does really well. Fuuuuck I want her back so damn bad.'
Went back to Jim's place (friend from EB.) Watched Arrested devolpment, fuuny funny show! Love it! Watched him play Guitar Hero a bit. Made my eyes feel hurting... Owie. I guess it's the lack of video game visuals I've had lately. Not used to the insesant stream of crazy colors and flashing lights.
Then went to Silver Screen Video and got Tombstone which I'm about to watch now. After I do my damn sit-ups and push-ups.
Oh, here's some pictures.
Did a little yard work today and as I was cutting out a dead bit of tree I saw our lemons were about ripe. I saw good lemons
Then I saw a weird... yellow... thing. I guess it's a lemon. He just grew really, really weird.
He'll be riding the short bus.
I went to In N' Out for lunch. Mmmmm double-double! But I saw this parked on the road.
Neat eh?
Ok, off to exercise and then watch a great western!
Well so much for my big plans of a long bike ride. I woke up at 9am and I heard rain so I thought 'screw that.' And went back to sleep.
Woke back up at noon and got up. Cleaned up my room a bit (a lot.) Then I went out. Ended up meating up with a buddy from work, well old job (for both of us now) EB Games. We hung out at Borders for a while, that was fun.
Saw my ex's (I hate that term... I hate saying it. I feel like I gave up whenever I say like. Like she this girl I went out with then got bored of, or gave up on, or something... I feel like such a rotten guy when I say it. Or that she did something bad. Which isn't true! We're both good people at heart, her better than I. I just wasn't treating her the way she deserved to be treated. So I guess maybe I should feel bad each time I'm forced to say "ex." Maybe it'll serve to remind me of how I need to get my act together before there's a list of ex's. I dont want that. I wanted her to be my first and last love.) Anyways. I saw my ex's best friend there at Borders and said hello. She (the friend, Suzy) had just gotten back from Paris, France like... a week ago. So I asked how that was and made about 2 min worth of small talk. It was kind of awkward. I felt like I was at dinner with my fiances parents who I had just met 10 min before. I asked her how Ange was and she said; "she's doing good. Really good actually."
And I squeaked out; "oh, good, good." It sounded like the mother had just asked me, "how do you like the pot roast dear?" And the pot roast tastes like charcoal and puke. But not wanting to hurt her I say, "oh, good, good." While trying to shallow a bite.
"How're you doing?" She politely asked, itching to get away it seemed.
"Ok, fine, yeah ok. You know."
"Uh-huh," looking the other way not really paying attenion. "Well back to the grind, see-ya." She finished while walking off.
As soon as she left the first thing in my head was, 'really good? She's doing "really good?" Fuck! I wish I was doing "really good." No, no, that's great. Really. I'm glad. I really am, I hope she does really well. Fuuuuck I want her back so damn bad.'
Went back to Jim's place (friend from EB.) Watched Arrested devolpment, fuuny funny show! Love it! Watched him play Guitar Hero a bit. Made my eyes feel hurting... Owie. I guess it's the lack of video game visuals I've had lately. Not used to the insesant stream of crazy colors and flashing lights.
Then went to Silver Screen Video and got Tombstone which I'm about to watch now. After I do my damn sit-ups and push-ups.
Oh, here's some pictures.
Did a little yard work today and as I was cutting out a dead bit of tree I saw our lemons were about ripe. I saw good lemons

Then I saw a weird... yellow... thing. I guess it's a lemon. He just grew really, really weird.

He'll be riding the short bus.
I went to In N' Out for lunch. Mmmmm double-double! But I saw this parked on the road.

Neat eh?
Ok, off to exercise and then watch a great western!
Once his music really takes off he should get some ligit merch!