Gha, I come back and what, all my favotires are gone. My SG stuff is all kinds of jacked around. Its horrable, naw its not realy all that bad. Hell I rarely make it here. With School, Work, the kids, the Sub and trying to keep 10 to 30 min of life a week with that thing they call sleep well its hard. I have...
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sorry if your valentines was not so great

My post to Quinne as always she has a body that, well, for a lack of better words is my concept of perfection.
Erotic as the rest of your sets, you continue to dazzle and wow. Your photographer did an excellent job taking well lit pictures. They where pleasing to the eye and spirit. While I found myself feeling as I was just looking at...
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Erotic as the rest of your sets, you continue to dazzle and wow. Your photographer did an excellent job taking well lit pictures. They where pleasing to the eye and spirit. While I found myself feeling as I was just looking at...
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So much anger, so much rage; its in every youth. How do you advise them and help then see the future. There is so much more to concern ourselves with then our own meager anger management problems. Aye, there is much that everyone could lean from a misplaced soul. But its that learning of knowledge missed that is so detrimental.
Wow, is all I have...
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Wow, is all I have...
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Venla, Normally too young for me to even observe, it is undeniable, she is perfection. Beauty, form, playful, and much more. I am hooked, all the way. I dont know how on my first evaluation I passed her by. Maybe it was the age, I find that something I deal with, on a personal level. While it would never happen, as Venla is not...
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Thank you for your lovely comment. You sg people are fab!
Thank you for your lovely comment. You sg people are fab!
Good god, has no one respect for those they take pictures of? Todays publish is horrible these pictures are out of focus, grainy, and powerless. I take better pictures just around the house with the fam quick-shots. Whats with all the old same comments to every new set here guys. Thinking about something here, if you want to make comments to someone about there looks...
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Does it get much better? No, paige posses something different. What it is, well, Im not sure it has a name. But its a feeling of satisfaction, a guarantee or a promise of amazement. More then that, you look and its more then a myriad of words and there respective meanings. Its the line that separates Goth, from the Social Norm. The barrier that defines...
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thank you ... hun that was not the normal , mindless nice tits comment , its refreshing
[Edited on Jul 27, 2005 12:49PM]
[Edited on Jul 27, 2005 12:49PM]
Jesus, is all I can say. I read through some of the responses that you received on your set. Yeah, a bit mundane and depressing to say the least. But there is two sides to that, realize that while most making the comments may not have an IQ above 98. Nor the self esteem and knowledge to make an educated statement. But they are making comments. I know they are sexist, mundane, crude, lewd, and otherwise mostly unacceptable as a whole, but some are given with simple good intentions.
There is another side as well. Some simply wish to thank you for sharing your beauty, or wish to assure you that you are attractive to them. Granted there is some tact that should be used for this. But with the myriad of endless possible suitors they see or perceive they may be seeking attention. Take for instance when your walking down the street and a car is honking and you got some guy hanging out the window gawking. In reality they could simply pull over an engage in conversation with a pickup line far too used or try something else. But for the most part who is going to be in a calm state of mind with a car rushing up and a guy telling you who he is. Christ, what the hell is going on here. I dunno its all off.
Society has changed, everything is now open to perception. You use some negatives in advertising and you badger opponents with bad untrustworthy news. You cant approach someone and tell them your attracted or find them attractive without some crass statement. Why? I dont think anyone knows.
Im not sure what I would do receiving all those replies. You are substantially nicer then I am. I dont think I would reply or even try. I dunno I might let my ego take control after having all the onlookers drooling over my faade. I guess you take it as it comes, although I personally found the sexual innuendos not really that at all. More like sexual fantasy statements. Regardless they amused me, im a much different way then I think there intentions towards you where though. I guess it all comes back to Tacta four letter word that has an absolute and undeniable meaning.
Well hope you have a good week Paige. Maby a little subliminal message in the next set might help out. In the first 5 pictures have a sign obscure but legible that says. Use a little Tact f*ckers maybe that will do it? If all else it would be funny. All right, thats enough from me
There is another side as well. Some simply wish to thank you for sharing your beauty, or wish to assure you that you are attractive to them. Granted there is some tact that should be used for this. But with the myriad of endless possible suitors they see or perceive they may be seeking attention. Take for instance when your walking down the street and a car is honking and you got some guy hanging out the window gawking. In reality they could simply pull over an engage in conversation with a pickup line far too used or try something else. But for the most part who is going to be in a calm state of mind with a car rushing up and a guy telling you who he is. Christ, what the hell is going on here. I dunno its all off.
Society has changed, everything is now open to perception. You use some negatives in advertising and you badger opponents with bad untrustworthy news. You cant approach someone and tell them your attracted or find them attractive without some crass statement. Why? I dont think anyone knows.
Im not sure what I would do receiving all those replies. You are substantially nicer then I am. I dont think I would reply or even try. I dunno I might let my ego take control after having all the onlookers drooling over my faade. I guess you take it as it comes, although I personally found the sexual innuendos not really that at all. More like sexual fantasy statements. Regardless they amused me, im a much different way then I think there intentions towards you where though. I guess it all comes back to Tacta four letter word that has an absolute and undeniable meaning.
Well hope you have a good week Paige. Maby a little subliminal message in the next set might help out. In the first 5 pictures have a sign obscure but legible that says. Use a little Tact f*ckers maybe that will do it? If all else it would be funny. All right, thats enough from me
I had to make a post to Aria. I wanted to the first set I saw but truly the photographer botched that whole first wet with poor light. The good picture from the first set was with a flash. A lens filter could have helped adjust for the room lighting but they need to use a flash or environmental lighting. You can always tell when...
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Jun 01,
arsmortis, awesome and beautiful set. I couldnt feel from the photographer and as far as what I was looking at I wouldnt say they where exceptional pictures. In this case the model was where the life of the images came from. The photographer was simply there to catch it all. Awesome set. Very beautiful and lovely
arsmortis, awesome and beautiful set. I couldnt feel from the photographer and as far as what I was looking at I wouldnt say they where exceptional pictures. In this case the model was where the life of the images came from. The photographer was simply there to catch it all. Awesome set. Very beautiful and lovely
Ok, well I have been a bit behind. Looking for a blog to implement across my domains. They way I wont need to use this one; but here goes its catch-up time.
May 24th. lucy had an awesome set. Its hard to put into words the awesome and powerful images portrayed through this set. I must admit I am a fan of The nightmare before...
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May 24th. lucy had an awesome set. Its hard to put into words the awesome and powerful images portrayed through this set. I must admit I am a fan of The nightmare before...
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Ok well today i got to catch up. Wow there have really been some awesome new sets. I find myself wondering what on earth they photographers r shooting with though. Some shoots look like, well, knali. Many shots are done with more then enough light but there are blurs of movement. Sometimes this is intentional but when you have several pictures like this in s...
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Thanks for the sweet comment on my set, it made my day.