Finally realizing when it's time to cut your losses and part ways with life long friends is a bitch. It has to be done sometimes as a form of self preservation. The pain of carrying the burden that goes along with being the only one who gives a shit is pretty great indeed. You wake up one morning and you realize you've been a dumbass...
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"Finally realizing when it's time to cut your losses and part ways with life long friends is a bitch."

the real bitch is being the one to realize it.
Yeah, I'm single...

Because I believe in friendships before relationships...Because I have a girl/friend not girlfriend and that fills the void for me right now...someone to go out and eat with, a great drinking buddy, a friend, and a confidant. Because I'm having fun...lots of fun. Because she was having a bad day/night/week/life and she slept over, fully clothed, next to me. Because she makes...
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well, this one's only a 2000...but i really dig it...


oh how i wish it hadnt have gotten to this place in 3 year relationship land...
Weeks going pretty decent. Busy weekend ahead beginning tomorrow. Chee Weez playing at Thibodaux's Fireman's fair. My old friend Mitch is getting married Friday night, thought I had a date, (she's cool though I'll let her slide this time we've been hanging out a lot this week.) oh well, going stag could be in my best interest!! Friday is also Cinco De Mayo, and I...
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What's coverage? I suppose it sounds like something you would need overnight... HA!

Isnt it insane to watch everyone you know/knew getting married? My tummy's still churning...

Decent weekend let's see Thursday night I went to the garage in Houma, since it was 4/20 in reference to (4:20) they had a celebration, of acoustic bands. And played nothing but Bob Marley and Sublime before the bands showed. It was pretty damn funny, I didn't stay too late. Friday I had training from 8:30-5:00, on doing personal outcomes assesments, which are actually kind...
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seems like you lead quite an eventful life in a not eventful place...

and to think all i did was laundry and work this weekend...
anyone else hear crickets..?
I'm back...I was a member for 3 months and then moving and all sorts of crazy shit. I'm settled and I'm glad to be back! smile
Glad to have you back!
ooga wooga booga