I am doing @zarawolf's questionnaire at long last, and was nominated by her and again by @boozenblood. Let me start by saying that I'm not nominating anyone in particular, but if you like the questions and want to do this, feel free. Please mention me and zarawolf, so we can see your responses.
When did you first discover SuicideGirls?
I wrote all about this in a past Blog Homework, but I first discovered SG when I was a DJ in a Gentleman's Club in Vancouver around 2003. Years later, when I saw the model @sammiii, I joined. She stole my heart and lustful dreams. The Hopeful that inspired me to start interacting was @nilin. Both of which are no longer active on the site, though I wish they were.
Do you have any nicknames? If yes, what are they?
Oh goodness, I have a lot. Some of my favourites are: Fred the Wonderstud, the Renaissance Man, CaptainFred, Cat Sorcerer, and Uncle Coolio (my sister and my nephew are the only ones who call me that). I have people I graduated High School with that don't know me if I say it's Fred calling, but they do if I say Derf. Super creative, I know.
Of course, @helainked calls me Amy, or Amy Santiago, from Brooklyn 99, while I call her Darth Cheddar. Long story, but it definitely has nothing to do with her loving Star Trek. At all. Not even if I have picture proof...
What is your favourite colour?
Earth tones, for sure. And Cadmium Green.
What are your five most used emojis?
I just figured out how to insert emojis when writing blogs here on SG on my computer. Like, just now, for this question. Look out world!
Are you a morning person or a night person?
I am most certainly a night person. If left to my own devices and schedule, I'd wake up at 1pm and go to bed at 7am. But, life and work and all that. I dislike the morning and those morning people who think that you can only be working productively if you get up early.
I find my energy and focus and creativity are way higher at night, and I like the dark. 🤷♂️
What's your Zodiac sign & do you resonate with it?
My Zodiac sign is "Cybernetic T-Rex" and I absolutely resonate with it, except for the "has small arms" part. 😬
If you could have any Superpower, what would it be?
I would like to be able to arrive in any city or town and immediately know where to find/order the best meal and dessert. And to somehow never pay for any of it. Any to never gain weight from it. Call me "Delicacy Man!"
If you could choose one, would you rather fly with a Unicorn or swim with a Mermaid?
I didn't think classic Unicorns had wings? I though that was a Pegasus? I'd fly with a Pegasus.
Are you a dog or cat person, and do you have pets?
I love most animals, but I'm more of a cat person than anything else. Yes, I have pets. Buddy and Guy.
(Can we stop posing now?)
If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
This is not a fun question for me. I like to eat! Hmm. How about "foods that contain egg?"
What are three things you can't live without?
Barring the usual "Oxygen, food, shelter" etc. answer, I'm going to go with "Stories (in any form), food variety, and friends."
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?
I want to travel to so many places to meet up with new and old friends of mine, but just for the experience I would like to go to Japan.
What is the most adventurous thing you've done?
I packed up my car as full as I could get it, drove 1300 kms to Vancouver and started a new life there. No place to live, no job, no friends or family... nothing. Just started everything anew when I was 20.
Share something else that few people know!
I'm assuming this means 'about me' and not just in general? 😂
I used to do a regular informercial for Home Depot in Calgary, where I taught viewers how to do basic things around their homes, like weatherproofing or renovating. It had regular rotation on the preview channels, and each was about 10 minutes long. For the first one, I was walking with the lady who was going to do it, and she was so nervous. I was coaching her, and then she got overwhelmed and left as soon as she saw the camera crew set up. So, I went live with 10 minutes preparation time and it became a regular thing.
Thanks all! I look forward to reading your answers!