Well, had a pretty good Halloween party last Friday. Coming home at 4am after too much jagermeister kind of ruined the rest of the weekend, so I'm not sure if it was worth it though.
I didn't entertain a single trick or treater tonight. They must have thought it was a spooky abandoned house that no one lived in with the lights off. I had stayed late at work and didn't get home until 9pm.
What else to share...
this hip/back/leg pain is still around but sporadically getting better. I stretched a lot yesterday and it seemed like the pain was gone, but then this morning it was back worse. Maybe it was too much stretching.
I just took a muscle relaxant and kind of chilling on that right now.
It's just minutes away from 11/1, NaNoWriMo starting time.
I'm going to have to get down and start writing and see how much I can output.
I've thought for years now that Hallowe'en was done with in this country. Turns out, if last night was anything to go by, that it was just that there haven't really been any kids in our area for years, so no guisers (i.e. trick or treaters). There were loads around last night, yelling and whooping. It was quite heartening - the tradition I'd thought had died is alive and kicking after all.