Wow today was an eventful day.
I actually feel the budding of an actual social life. I realized what it takes to be into a crowd, or whatever. It's history and connections.
You see some girl and you think "oh crap, now she's with that guy" You talk to some guy you have an inside joke with. You talk to someone who at different times you might have liked, disliked, and then liked again. You want to get to know people because you know of the people they know.
It's like the sophisticated intricacies of social interaction or something.
I've finally built up enough past where it's starting to be more fertile
the manure of my existence.
Like sands in an hourglass
these are the days
of our lives
uncomfortable. the fluency and then the scientist. two seperate rooms. side by side. with still a wall between them. my own soul. thanks for the poem.
sorrY, thaT'S noT A picturE oF mE..., iT'S thE verY sexY anD talenteD insectivorA akA angelicA froM coneY islanD...