hello all well i find it is time for an update
how i feeling is ok tired i should really go to bed since i have been up since yesterday afternoon worked a ten hour shift then came home and i am still not in bed asleep but i am in bed. nothing really happening with the relationships as of late or for a long...
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how i feeling is ok tired i should really go to bed since i have been up since yesterday afternoon worked a ten hour shift then came home and i am still not in bed asleep but i am in bed. nothing really happening with the relationships as of late or for a long...
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ok so last night on my way home from playing cards with a bunch of my friends my car decided to crap out on me and to make it worse it was around 2:30 in the morning so i did not want to have to call someone to come and get me plus it was freezing outside so i did not want to have to...
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ok that was great i had just wrote out a blog but durring the uploading of it my internet timed out all well. ok lets start again. since my last up date which it has been a long time and i am sorry about that i will try to update more Regularly. lets see i worked as a lifegurard at shaver lake above fresno which...
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Just approved you for Modern Pirates. I'm trusting that you'll keep the Pirates vs Ninja crap outside. 

so tell me what the fuck is up with girls i swear. i just told the most beautful girl in my eyes that i liked her and she said that i am a wonderful friend and thats it. also she said i am one of the nice guys she has ever met and that i am always there for her. ok i am fine with...
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As I sit here with only my thoughts to keep me company I get to thinking. Why am I alone well for one I dont have many friends left I lost one for no reason I can fathom. They just stopped talking to me all of a sudden and now they are gone altogether. Then there are some other people who in all reality do...
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Aw sweets I know exactly how you feel. I'm terribly antisocial and half of the time I don't even get along with the few peopel that I do talk to. Everyone always just seems to want something and if you don't give it to them or do excatly what they want when they want it they always seem to get incredibly pissy. It's not fair. My 2 closest friends live out of state and do you know why they are my closest friends? they don't ask me for anything. They actually talk to me and appreciate me. Don't feel too bad about it, everyone runs into this as some point. People just tend to suck. Hope you feel better

Hun, you're more than welcome. I'm just glad I can make you feel better
You shouldn't let people get you down, you're too good for that and they sound like they pretty much just suck anyway. Deffinately not worth your time if they're going to treat you like that. I'm always here to listen
[Edited on Apr 21, 2006 10:54PM]

[Edited on Apr 21, 2006 10:54PM]
why do exes need to be such bitches i swear. sorry about that i almost never feel this way but my ex is really pissing me off. she only talks to me when she is having trouble with boyfriend. so today i tell her to just get all my things together and i will be picking them up and she somehow make me feel like...
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*puts on best flight attendent voice* And if you would kindly direct your attention above, you will notice a prime example of the exact reason why I tend to hate almost all girls.
Don't let her make you feel liek shit, you're wonderful and obviously far kinder than she is. *hands you tylenol* women are cruel.
Don't let her make you feel liek shit, you're wonderful and obviously far kinder than she is. *hands you tylenol* women are cruel.
Oh fun!! I hope you had a good time in Santa Cruz. If you ever do come to the bay area for sure let me know we could go do something
You're more than welcome for the comment, I hope you're feeling better. *hugs*

You're more than welcome for the comment, I hope you're feeling better. *hugs*
hello all sorry about the lack of updates i have been really busy with school and all. well as for the girl in my last blog i have decided to wait and see what happens if her and her boyfriend breakup then i will tell her but if not then i am just as happy being just a friend. well let me think well there...
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Thanks for the nice comment, why do ex's have to be such jerks? it doesn't make sense to me. I'd love to still be friends with him but he can't seem to stop being a complete ass, so I've given up.
I'm glad to hear you didn't say anything to that girl, probably a good idea to wait it out and see what happens. Stop being shy!!! you should deffinately go talk to your new friend!!!
Congrats on getting the lisence, have fun
what kind of bike do you have?
[Edited on Apr 07, 2006 9:34PM]
I'm glad to hear you didn't say anything to that girl, probably a good idea to wait it out and see what happens. Stop being shy!!! you should deffinately go talk to your new friend!!!
Congrats on getting the lisence, have fun

[Edited on Apr 07, 2006 9:34PM]
Ok guys I dont know what to do I am beside myself I am totally infatuated with a girl and I dont know what to do about it. First I should say she is in one of my classes and that the major problem is that she has a boyfriend. That is the only thing keeping me from telling her how I feel because I...
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no!! you weren't the creepy one!!! there's this guy... he's kinda icky.. and he's like sending me messages drooling over me and telling me how gorgeous I am and how 'im his kind of woman' all this bullshit... it's gettin kinda creepy and i kinda htink hes a stalker or something
oh ps that exerpt is from Howl
[Edited on Apr 04, 2006 10:41PM]

oh ps that exerpt is from Howl

[Edited on Apr 04, 2006 10:41PM]
That comment made me smile. Glad to see someone who recognizes it

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one...
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Welcome to SGMoto!
god do i hate being and insomniac yeah its good at times but it really sucks when u have nothing to do and late night tv sucks now. and another thing when sleep deprivation starts to effect your body like i can feel my body starting to weaken. like my eyes are overly senstive more so my left one that sucked today becasue i had...
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Start playing World of Warcraft then all your troubles will melt away, with every passing lvl. no not really. but it does help pass some time. Hope you find something to pass the time 

Have you tried taking stuff like Tylenol PM?
It sounds like you need to go see a doctor about this...
It sounds like you need to go see a doctor about this...

If i were sober, I'd say more.