Well I'm not going to be able to drive up to Hollywood tomorrow, since I just found out today that my car is out of commission for long commutes. That's just effin' dandy...
To Missy and Katie, I'm terribly sorry for wasting your time and not getting back to you sooner! I didn't know this was going to happen, and if I could find transportation...
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I'm sorry to hear about your car, and the meeting that didn't happen. frown I hope things turn better for you soon.
I've got the worse effin' sinus headache. The dog keeps pooing everywhere in the house. This computer has no usable USB ports, which I find ungodly.

oh my freakin' lord, i spelled "sinus" wrong originally. "sinse"? what the hell is that? YOU TELL ME!
wow.. i've got my bachelors in english.. i'm not sure if i want to go for a doctorate, because i don't know if i could get a job with it. bad economies make realism fashionable, i guess.
When you're in pain, it's pretty hard to be a good speller. smile Hope you're feeling better!
Well my fourth of July blew. My boyfriend is drunk and spending the night only-God-knows-where, while the dog I'm housesitting, Sarah, crapped all over the carpet. Also, Aaron's [ the boyfriend ] great grandmother Helen twisted her knee pretty badly last night, so she's out of commission. This house is like a zoo, too. Two cats, two birds, and one hella deficating dog.
However, to...
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Good luck next Wednesday. Yay for potential SGs! smile
Three hours into the suicidegirls website and I am beat. My boyfriend keeps coming in and asking how I could possibly still be looking around the same place. I jokingly said he is more than welcomed to look with me. He objected and went off to play video games and get the dog to finally sleep.
I think I am also off to a rough...
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I saw your thread about bigger girls. They're here, you just have to find them... In addition to the girls that tremulant has mentioned, check out Mia (one of my favorites, she's 5'5" and 140), Sadie, and Trillian. I haven't come anywhere near looking through all of the picture sets, so there's probably more where they came from.

Adding you to my friends list, cuz you seem cool. smile
your pretty waif like yourself