saw 28 days later a few nights ago. i really liked it. i think that i would like to own the soundtrack.
took my fake little sister to see charlies angeles last night. it was cool. better than the first one id say. and i like demi moore. i wish the bad girl would have won.
im tired, when am i not. since school ended im even more busy and have been getting way less sleep. what the hells up with that? i though summer was suppossed to be chill and relaxing. not hectic and overbooked. but im not really complaining.
today will be a busy day. i have a funeral to attend at 3. the family asked me to take some family photos after, as they have a large amount of family flying in from japan, and also photos throughout the burial. so im gonna be like a wedding photographer but for a funeral. thatll be odd. i think though that it will keep me from feeling sad, which is a good thing. later tonight im heading over to the troubadour to see the blood brothers perform. should be fun. gonna meat up with my dear college punk friend. shes great and i definatly need a night out with her.
blah. i must complete traffic school before the 8th. i looked through a list and found an internet one to try out. thats gonna be boring and stupid. but i must do what the court orders me to do.
hmm i dont really have anything interesting to say. and my dog wont stop whinning and licking me. go away! he just doesnt seem to be getting the message. but hes cute so its ok. i forgive him.
im trying not to think about it but i know whats really on my mind. im feeling really nervous and panicky about this whole funeral stuff. ive been to only two funerals before in my life. never though for a friend. or for a boy who was only 21. never one where the media will be lurking. never one where all my friends and coworks will be crying in unison. never one where i have a job to do. never one thatll be open caskat after the person was blown up. i dont think by the way that i want to see the plastic face. ive seen hundreds of dead bodies. i dont need to see one more. i know what happens to your body after you die. i know what you look like and how they try and make you look real. i think id rather remember him from the last time i saw him. the night we went out to eat at islands. im starting to feel really nervous though. theres a funny feeling in my stomach. and i know that when i get there im gonna feel nauseous.
took my fake little sister to see charlies angeles last night. it was cool. better than the first one id say. and i like demi moore. i wish the bad girl would have won.
im tired, when am i not. since school ended im even more busy and have been getting way less sleep. what the hells up with that? i though summer was suppossed to be chill and relaxing. not hectic and overbooked. but im not really complaining.
today will be a busy day. i have a funeral to attend at 3. the family asked me to take some family photos after, as they have a large amount of family flying in from japan, and also photos throughout the burial. so im gonna be like a wedding photographer but for a funeral. thatll be odd. i think though that it will keep me from feeling sad, which is a good thing. later tonight im heading over to the troubadour to see the blood brothers perform. should be fun. gonna meat up with my dear college punk friend. shes great and i definatly need a night out with her.
blah. i must complete traffic school before the 8th. i looked through a list and found an internet one to try out. thats gonna be boring and stupid. but i must do what the court orders me to do.
hmm i dont really have anything interesting to say. and my dog wont stop whinning and licking me. go away! he just doesnt seem to be getting the message. but hes cute so its ok. i forgive him.
im trying not to think about it but i know whats really on my mind. im feeling really nervous and panicky about this whole funeral stuff. ive been to only two funerals before in my life. never though for a friend. or for a boy who was only 21. never one where the media will be lurking. never one where all my friends and coworks will be crying in unison. never one where i have a job to do. never one thatll be open caskat after the person was blown up. i dont think by the way that i want to see the plastic face. ive seen hundreds of dead bodies. i dont need to see one more. i know what happens to your body after you die. i know what you look like and how they try and make you look real. i think id rather remember him from the last time i saw him. the night we went out to eat at islands. im starting to feel really nervous though. theres a funny feeling in my stomach. and i know that when i get there im gonna feel nauseous.
i wanna see that movie.. me and my army friend are gonna go see it this week before he gets shipped off to war...
*cringes* not looking forward to that farewell...
I just saw 28 days later as well. I liked it. I was afraid it would scare me so I didn't want to go. I jumped a couple times when things like, ya know, jump out and stuff, but I didn't have nightmares, so, it was good! And yes, the soundtrack rocked.