The worst Idea I ever had was to take a part time job during the Christmas season. I have not had a day off in three weeks and I have two more to go. On top of that I have missed every workout at both the gym and martial arts for the last three weeks. I am jonesing for a workout. A good tiring workout. The kind where you come home take a shower and veg out for 30 minutes and feel the comfortable ache in your muscles.
More Blogs
Saturday Feb 09, 2008
There is nothing more devastating than seeing a parent losing a child… -
Thursday Dec 13, 2007
I watched this show called Paranormal State the other night on A&E; a… -
Sunday Mar 25, 2007
Bare with me, this is a bit tangiential and I am not sure I have a re… -
Monday Jan 15, 2007
"I am a Martial Artist" I am a martial artist. I see through d… -
Wednesday Dec 06, 2006
I'm sick and I'm bored and decided to look up some funny quotes to ch… -
Wednesday Oct 11, 2006
We had some interesting drama surrounding my cousin this week. … -
Wednesday Sep 06, 2006
I was thinking the other day how with the advent of new technologies … -
Wednesday Jul 05, 2006
I experienced Heaven and Hell at the same time tonight. Heaven was sk… -
Tuesday Jun 27, 2006
Must get new tattoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… -
Monday Jun 05, 2006
Memory Lane Your senior year in High School is supposed to be "th…