- on foreverloaded's page


goddamn goddamn goddamn
When did people become so hopelessly fucking stupid and full of mindless hatred? I'm not talking about Iraq or the war or any such repulsive shit. I speak of the average sad dickhead on the street.
I was just walking home after slaving 9 hours of lifting bending and repetitive movement that- for the low low price of minimum wage, but the...
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When did people become so hopelessly fucking stupid and full of mindless hatred? I'm not talking about Iraq or the war or any such repulsive shit. I speak of the average sad dickhead on the street.
I was just walking home after slaving 9 hours of lifting bending and repetitive movement that- for the low low price of minimum wage, but the...
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I don't know...
I am worried a bit. Did you get my email?
Just remember, for every one asshole screaming "slut" out his car window, there are at least 100,000 men who would simply just drive by and take a peek and go..."Wow, she is cute...but way out of my league."
In fact, I sense that the word SLUT means about the same thing, in alphamale shorthand, of course. Think about it. What does calling someone slut accomplish? It is a power struggle, an acknowledgement that you are outclassing them, so they must try to overcome this obvious mismatch by diminishing you...SLUT thus is the verbal accusation, as well as other choice words, that flow from the small minds of small people, afraid that you - like so many other smart women in their pasts - will just look through them, past them, and not even pause to give them consideration.
Thus we get the words, the yell...and a demon's mind is put temporarily at ease...he has transferred his angst, his litost to you for a moment, his heart is lighter and he feels more like a man for having said it. The misogyny is merely a cover for a boy inside the man who's mother didn't love him enough...or maybe he caught her having an affair when he was young...it matters not.
Those words do not reflect on you...don't take them inside. They are the primal screams of a person so thin and crass...his words are the echos of his empty soul.
SLUT = you are cute, but out of my league. I wish I could date women like you, but I am a weak-willed man without the balls to ask you out...so I must do something to prove that all this that I feel is in error.
BTW - I miss the SHIT out of you right now...reply reply reply
I am worried a bit. Did you get my email?
Just remember, for every one asshole screaming "slut" out his car window, there are at least 100,000 men who would simply just drive by and take a peek and go..."Wow, she is cute...but way out of my league."
In fact, I sense that the word SLUT means about the same thing, in alphamale shorthand, of course. Think about it. What does calling someone slut accomplish? It is a power struggle, an acknowledgement that you are outclassing them, so they must try to overcome this obvious mismatch by diminishing you...SLUT thus is the verbal accusation, as well as other choice words, that flow from the small minds of small people, afraid that you - like so many other smart women in their pasts - will just look through them, past them, and not even pause to give them consideration.
Thus we get the words, the yell...and a demon's mind is put temporarily at ease...he has transferred his angst, his litost to you for a moment, his heart is lighter and he feels more like a man for having said it. The misogyny is merely a cover for a boy inside the man who's mother didn't love him enough...or maybe he caught her having an affair when he was young...it matters not.
Those words do not reflect on you...don't take them inside. They are the primal screams of a person so thin and crass...his words are the echos of his empty soul.
SLUT = you are cute, but out of my league. I wish I could date women like you, but I am a weak-willed man without the balls to ask you out...so I must do something to prove that all this that I feel is in error.
BTW - I miss the SHIT out of you right now...reply reply reply

I grew up around the same redneck fucktards, and my theory has been that their lives are so devoid of meaning or positive substance that driving around and screaming obscenities at random strangers are really the closest thing they have to meaningful activity. In fact, I'm sure that 10 years from now, your drive-by verbal assailant will be laying upon his death bed (dying from knife wounds after a brutal mugging at the hands of a militant Girl Scout troop) he'll fondly reminesce on the all times he and his driver friend (succumbed to untreated syphilis from a crack whore two years earlier) would annoy pedestrians, confidently deluding himself that it erased the pain of a childhood of constant gangbangs by his stepdad and uncle. A smile will reach his lips as he is slowly dragged into the lowest depths of Hell for an enternity of being forced to do the things he hated the most: reading and making child support payments.
Did I mention I have a low opinion of the general populace of the Ohio River Valley?
No matter how willing I am to make compromises in a relationship, I keep finding myself not only making all the sacrifices, but getting lied to and cheated on for my efforts. Still lonely, but at least I'm a lot more careful about what I'm willing to get myself into.
Did I mention I have a low opinion of the general populace of the Ohio River Valley?
No matter how willing I am to make compromises in a relationship, I keep finding myself not only making all the sacrifices, but getting lied to and cheated on for my efforts. Still lonely, but at least I'm a lot more careful about what I'm willing to get myself into.
UPDATING! No, really!
Artists In Bloom
Hi all you sexy fuckers! I miss you all. My white trash existance hasn't altered too terribly much since we last typed.
I am working on an exhibit with some people I met. just a small one- a couple of artists from here in the area. It should be cool. I'll let ya know.
Speaking of ART, (nice segue,...
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Hi all you sexy fuckers! I miss you all. My white trash existance hasn't altered too terribly much since we last typed.
I am working on an exhibit with some people I met. just a small one- a couple of artists from here in the area. It should be cool. I'll let ya know.
Speaking of ART, (nice segue,...
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wow, its sure been awhile, ive missed ya around these parts, when are we finally gonna get to hang out?
i'll have to check out the site, sounds pretty cool & that you've put quite a bit of work into it, i'll give it a look in a few!
so whats new with ya? hows life? hows the job(s)?
i'll have to check out the site, sounds pretty cool & that you've put quite a bit of work into it, i'll give it a look in a few!
so whats new with ya? hows life? hows the job(s)?
WOw, it looks like a lot of work went into that. Good job. :-)
sooooo... I was alone... in the heat... thinking... wishing I had... some hard , satisifying,
cubes of ice... (you fucking pervs.)
I have this new theory: wanna hear it? I knew you did. Ok- they say (you know how "they" are, bastards)- anywho, they say that everyone has a twin, right? I believe that- to a point. Ex: I had a blue mohawk & was...
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cubes of ice... (you fucking pervs.)
I have this new theory: wanna hear it? I knew you did. Ok- they say (you know how "they" are, bastards)- anywho, they say that everyone has a twin, right? I believe that- to a point. Ex: I had a blue mohawk & was...
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Damn girl! Update!
Update !!
Wow!!! I don't think you're a bad kitty at all!!! Thanks for getting back to me on the banner, I'll send it in a bit. (Be sure and send me yours when it's ready)
I like the hoodie... although the red one with the devil horns is my fav. from the "e. strange" site.
Good luck getting the site all set up!
I like the hoodie... although the red one with the devil horns is my fav. from the "e. strange" site.
Good luck getting the site all set up!

reality tv.... makes me wanna staple my eyes shut.
also: Shaolin Soccer is very
also: Shaolin Soccer is very

=WARNING: these pics are fuckin hugemongous, but I am too tired to resize. Sorry.=
More nightmares all damn night. In one I was dead (but still aware), had my eyes put out, and could fly but was stuck in a basement. Madness, I say. There are certain places I just cannot sleep well in and this house is one of them. It may be spooked....
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More nightmares all damn night. In one I was dead (but still aware), had my eyes put out, and could fly but was stuck in a basement. Madness, I say. There are certain places I just cannot sleep well in and this house is one of them. It may be spooked....
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meow. my life is wrapped around THE BARS.

Which Black Flag are you listening to? I find their pre-Rollins to be better (particularly when Keith Morris was still in the band).
you've got mail
(Delete me!)
[Edited on Aug 23, 2004 7:54PM]

(Delete me!)
[Edited on Aug 23, 2004 7:54PM]
hey, so when can we hang out?
im unemployed now, so i could make the roadtrip out there sometime if you were free, just lemme know & ill come out & make out with ya, i mean hang out with ya!
im unemployed now, so i could make the roadtrip out there sometime if you were free, just lemme know & ill come out & make out with ya, i mean hang out with ya!

last night I sat here, like Molly Ringwald before me, waiting around, but knowing I had been stood up. But I didn't have a Ducky to come and take me there anyway. MAN- WHY in the world would you get a girl's hopes up that you are helping her get to the Kittie show (I get paid tomorrow for christ's sake) and then NOT...
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last night I sat here, like Molly Ringwald before me, waiting around, but knowing I had been stood up. But I didn't have a Ducky to come and take me there anyway. MAN- WHY in the world would you get a girl's hopes up that you are helping her get to the Kittie show (I get paid tomorrow for christ's sake) and then NOT...
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hey...its a bummer you didnt make it to the show! it was fun actually, got to hang out with nicolelee, kevykev & peachgrrl, good times except for the fact that NL got a major black eye from taking a boot to the eye, check her journal for a pic!!!
so when r we gonna hang out?
wish u could make it out to columbus on saturday for the SGcolumbus cookout...its gonna be a blast!!!

so when r we gonna hang out?
wish u could make it out to columbus on saturday for the SGcolumbus cookout...its gonna be a blast!!!

the reason why Ducky wasn't around, I think, is because he chooses to reside in hell on earth, also known as Phoenix.
I watched that movie, knowing I was ducky...and that always made me a bit sad...I wanted to be the cool guy, but often had to settle for being comic relief who could love only from a distance...
my movie-life rarely has the sappy ending that gets me the girl.
Ever tell you about the one when I was into a girl who wouldn't date me (wanted to just be friends - couldn't handle a relationship or anything serious, blah, blah) and then within weeks of a serious conversation, she meets a recovering cocaine addict at the coffee shop, sleeps with him, falls in love and gets married three months later?
yeah, i didn't think I had told you that one. ha!

I watched that movie, knowing I was ducky...and that always made me a bit sad...I wanted to be the cool guy, but often had to settle for being comic relief who could love only from a distance...
my movie-life rarely has the sappy ending that gets me the girl.
Ever tell you about the one when I was into a girl who wouldn't date me (wanted to just be friends - couldn't handle a relationship or anything serious, blah, blah) and then within weeks of a serious conversation, she meets a recovering cocaine addict at the coffee shop, sleeps with him, falls in love and gets married three months later?
yeah, i didn't think I had told you that one. ha!
Haha.. Well, I went to an AA meeting last night w/this 50-60 yr old man that I just met through work. It was pretty funny. The people here are kind of rude, and I'm not accustomed to that, but it was an experience anyway.
He saw me walking home and gave me a ride b/c i was dizzy. I was going to come back here...
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He saw me walking home and gave me a ride b/c i was dizzy. I was going to come back here...
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sorry to hear about the health probs...have fun at the show!
Fabulous! It really is much easier for attractive, intellegent women to drive men to homosexuality than it is for the average women.
Worse, I can't even imagine how they do it.
Worse, I can't even imagine how they do it.
what the hell???
It seems that we have aspiring fascists (in the truest sense of it) amongst us... How sick is this?
Ethnic Cleansing for Dummies!
Like my mother says, "If you weren't so damn stupid, you'd be dangerous..."
Aptly put, Ma.
It seems that we have aspiring fascists (in the truest sense of it) amongst us... How sick is this?
Ethnic Cleansing for Dummies!
Like my mother says, "If you weren't so damn stupid, you'd be dangerous..."
Aptly put, Ma.

it was nice finally getting to chat with you! when are we gonna meet & hang out now?
That saddens, although not really surprises, me.
Heyyy. I suppose you've noticed my name change...
This has been my name other places for years. (Except AOL, b/c some other cool person took it already. Cheers to ya, mate!) It's a phrase from a MLwtTKK song. Anywhom...
When I was putting in my 1st alias I just made up whatever cuz I didn't even know if i'd hang out here or not yet....
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This has been my name other places for years. (Except AOL, b/c some other cool person took it already. Cheers to ya, mate!) It's a phrase from a MLwtTKK song. Anywhom...
When I was putting in my 1st alias I just made up whatever cuz I didn't even know if i'd hang out here or not yet....
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I was planning on going to the Kittie show and I'd like to see you, it's been awhile. I'll hook ya up with a round trip bus ticket from Ashland to Columbus. Driving to Ashland and back twice would be six hundred miles total! Let me know if ya want the ticket and I'll pay for it up here and you can pick it up there.
let me know if you have tuesday off in the next few days and i'll get it in for ya.

Well, I'll be kindly accepting any donations, so as I may get to EAT this week now.
What a total fucker... I was mislead from the start by him anyway; He came to MY place of work to give *FREE* scans, w/a first appointment free, and the adjustment at discount. My...
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