How many updates does Wayde owe by now?
The last one was more than a month ago and I cant even confirm what has transpired since that time.
I passed my first kendo grading. In fact I double graded skipping 6th Kyu and going straight to 5th Kyu. Happy. Though this means very little as I still have my ass handed to me in a bento box in many a shiai. Speaking of which, WA is hosting the Nationals this weekend and so I have been score keeping, and serving miso, and working my butt off for the sake of Australian Kendo. It's been good, and I even got to see someone fight Nito (with two shinai, one full length, one shorter), twas very cool, and so far WA have been doing well, with Ant from my club winning the Kyu Grade championship.
My house is going well, my tomatoes and capsicums are coming to fruit though I am not sure how they will do with the cool weather we are starting to have, the capsicum should be okay, but the tomato hmmmmmm.
Work is good but busy, we have been non stop busy for a while now and it doesnt look like slowing down for some time to come, so while my brain hurts I am learning lots and working hard. The only problem it's making the year fly by, and my birthday has crept up out of nowhere. Yeah thats right I'm 24 on tuesday. Yay me.. or something.
Things are still going great with girl. Tommorow morning it will be six months since our first date, and she still makes me laugh and smile as much now as she did then.
I still need to have a house warming party, and now I probably should be considering a birthday party as well. But I really lack the indoor or outdoor furniture for any real shindig, and am not sure whether to bother or not.
I miss SG, especially those who are reading this, you guys and your journals are now missing from my days, and I laugh a little less because of this. I hope you are all doing well, and pursuing whatever you desire.
Take care, and keep it real.

How many updates does Wayde owe by now?
The last one was more than a month ago and I cant even confirm what has transpired since that time.
I passed my first kendo grading. In fact I double graded skipping 6th Kyu and going straight to 5th Kyu. Happy. Though this means very little as I still have my ass handed to me in a bento box in many a shiai. Speaking of which, WA is hosting the Nationals this weekend and so I have been score keeping, and serving miso, and working my butt off for the sake of Australian Kendo. It's been good, and I even got to see someone fight Nito (with two shinai, one full length, one shorter), twas very cool, and so far WA have been doing well, with Ant from my club winning the Kyu Grade championship.
My house is going well, my tomatoes and capsicums are coming to fruit though I am not sure how they will do with the cool weather we are starting to have, the capsicum should be okay, but the tomato hmmmmmm.
Work is good but busy, we have been non stop busy for a while now and it doesnt look like slowing down for some time to come, so while my brain hurts I am learning lots and working hard. The only problem it's making the year fly by, and my birthday has crept up out of nowhere. Yeah thats right I'm 24 on tuesday. Yay me.. or something.
Things are still going great with girl. Tommorow morning it will be six months since our first date, and she still makes me laugh and smile as much now as she did then.
I still need to have a house warming party, and now I probably should be considering a birthday party as well. But I really lack the indoor or outdoor furniture for any real shindig, and am not sure whether to bother or not.
I miss SG, especially those who are reading this, you guys and your journals are now missing from my days, and I laugh a little less because of this. I hope you are all doing well, and pursuing whatever you desire.
Take care, and keep it real.
Argh i missed your birthday, but im finally back.. So happy birthday!
LOL I was the freo crazie in front of GJ's!