So i finally cave in and go to the pharmacist to buy some drugs - for whatever reason i hate having to admit that i feel like shit and that i require drugs to make me feel human so i tend to hold out.... wait, back up a minute.
i don't know if you know this, but apparently we are in the middle of a P epidemic, apparently there are thousands of pure meth addicts just wandering around buying legitimate cold relief capsules, or, when they can't, getting sweet old pensioners to do it for them. You see them, hanging around on street corners Psssing at grannies, hey wanna supplement your superannuation?
So, feeling like hot roasted turd served next day, i go to the pharmacist and ask specifically for COLDRAL.
The woman with the pleasant smile suddenly stiffens, tells me she'll have to go talk to the manager. This small efficious asian man - I only mention his ethnicity because it is imperative that you imagine him to be like that evil POW camp Major that Rambo has to cut in half - where was i? Oh, yes, this efficious man comes across to me and asks who I am buying for. i stare blankly, mostly because i believe i have misheard him through my extremely blocked sinus cavities, finally shaking my head and tell him for myself.
He enquires after my symptoms which are clearly being exhibited all over his counter at this stage. He agrees i need COLDRAL, and then asks for my photo ID and to please fill out this form "y'know, because of the P epidemic, everyone has to".
i feel somewhat relieved to hear that everyone has to, that it has nothing to do with my particular appearance...Until i see at the top of the form "Please fill out in case of suspicious persons and forward to NZ Police".
So i enquire what tipped me off as suspicious. The reply? that fact that i asked for COLDRAL (despite that it has the largest campaign budget of any pharmaceutical bar Asprin), that i appeared red-eyed, shakey, and was sniffing alot.
Funny how those are all symptoms of the fucking flu.
Go check out my new friend benni, hotter than texas.
Me Fact 3. I once played a game of pool with Eddie Veder when they were in Ak on tour. I won.
i stayed up all night wondering if there was a dog
i don't know if you know this, but apparently we are in the middle of a P epidemic, apparently there are thousands of pure meth addicts just wandering around buying legitimate cold relief capsules, or, when they can't, getting sweet old pensioners to do it for them. You see them, hanging around on street corners Psssing at grannies, hey wanna supplement your superannuation?
So, feeling like hot roasted turd served next day, i go to the pharmacist and ask specifically for COLDRAL.
The woman with the pleasant smile suddenly stiffens, tells me she'll have to go talk to the manager. This small efficious asian man - I only mention his ethnicity because it is imperative that you imagine him to be like that evil POW camp Major that Rambo has to cut in half - where was i? Oh, yes, this efficious man comes across to me and asks who I am buying for. i stare blankly, mostly because i believe i have misheard him through my extremely blocked sinus cavities, finally shaking my head and tell him for myself.
He enquires after my symptoms which are clearly being exhibited all over his counter at this stage. He agrees i need COLDRAL, and then asks for my photo ID and to please fill out this form "y'know, because of the P epidemic, everyone has to".
i feel somewhat relieved to hear that everyone has to, that it has nothing to do with my particular appearance...Until i see at the top of the form "Please fill out in case of suspicious persons and forward to NZ Police".
So i enquire what tipped me off as suspicious. The reply? that fact that i asked for COLDRAL (despite that it has the largest campaign budget of any pharmaceutical bar Asprin), that i appeared red-eyed, shakey, and was sniffing alot.
Funny how those are all symptoms of the fucking flu.
Go check out my new friend benni, hotter than texas.
Me Fact 3. I once played a game of pool with Eddie Veder when they were in Ak on tour. I won.

yes. i do like you.