My weekend (wed,thurs) went excellent we had to pry ourselves out of the bed on wednesday to do anything but fool around it was wonderful, then on thursday we closed on our house so while we've been moving stuff into it it is now legally ours don't hide keys under obvious rocks in the yard just fyi ...... We've been moving in slowly just a few boxes of easy to carry stuff that we don't need on a daily basis because we get the moving truck on wednesday and we decided to remove the carpet and use the hardwood floors underneath but that requires stripping them then staining them the color we want which will be a very very dark stain almost a black but still an obvious brown i'm excited but today i had to crowbar all of the wood around the living room, hallway and master bed that was used for the carpet to attach too, my arms are a little sore but alan gets the worst of it he's been using a belt sander and hopes to borrow a slow speed to get it done quicker because we have to have them done by tuesday night thats why i haven't been on here as much lately but hopefully in another week or two we will be completely settled in to our first home together I'm so happy it makes me want to wiggle
by the way... ever heard of periods?
I keed, I keed