Hello everyone, once again it is that day the beginning of my weekend and oh what a wonderful one this shall be, not because of anything in particular but because i just know it will be it will please me and make me happy and that is all there is to it
I've emmensly enjoyed reading everyones blogs and talking to my friends and even those that are yet to be on my friend list. I feel great part of its do to the long and tantalizing bath I took a little bit ago and the others due to my body feeling better because of the weather warming up and i'm eating less and i just feel healthier all around and more energetic, I'm going to pounce Mr.zoo when he gets home.....well if he doesn't get me first anyways. How many of you guys/gals have had sex to a compilation of music, i'm craving that right now I love to have music that makes you want to dance yet is completely sexual, he loves enigma and Depeche mode (i'm not sure if i spelled that correctly) and i'm beginnnig to really like them they are so sensual, one of the most erotic night we had well at least to me I haven't asked him is when I had just bought this new teddy and was feeling hot I had been listening to the music i had on itunes for hours and when he got home I had him lay in the bed under the covers while i straddled him and just moved we had no flesh contact the covers were between us but it was so erotic to me I just wanted to dance and to have him under me was the best thing in the world right then, we never had sex that night but it was so passionate I loved every second of it...........such great memories........anyone that reads this should share with me the most passionate moment they've ever had and it doesn't have to be sexual......its good to hear others moments its a feel good for me have a great night and maybe i'll see some of you in chat over my weekend no gaurantees but maybe

as for sexy tunes, we generally avoid it b/c we'd never be able to agree on what to listen to. she'd probably want Tori Amos and I'd want some black metal