Hello everyone I like all of the comments that were left on my last blog the responses were very nice to read. Well its my saturday, I went out with some friends last night and got totally trashed and fell asleep in Ihop, I haven't done that one before but it was fun, my boyfriend had to pick me up from a Qtrip I drove there it wasn't far and waited to get driven home then I passed out, but I made it up to him by waking him up with morning head and then great morning sex
at least the day started out well. Later that day we went to get approved for a home loan and looked at a home we really loved it, it definately needs some love but it's got alot of potential. Now I'm at home writing a blog while he spends some time with his three daughters, he doesn't get alot of quality time with all three, who are 14 12 10.............. yes I'm only 24 so its fun. It looks like this will be another calm weekend, nothing too exciting, O my head hurts I have such a hangover.............

my gf has 2 kids too - crazy time.