Alright gang lots to tell, the trip is going great, today i crossed the highest paved road in all of the US it was 12183 feet, booya, it hailed on me on the way up and then when i was going down the other side the wind chill made the water that was still on me freeze it was fucked up but a damn good story. I got brass knuckles in SLC which rules and tons of other way cool shit has happened im sure youll all get the stories at some point. From here on out to NYC its basically got to be all downhill which is totally sweet ass time to start pulling 150 mile days everyday. everyone should hit me up with news even though im barely ever able to check the site. I kinda miss home even though im having the best time ever and i dont actually have a home. Later kids
at least let me know when you get to NYC, I'm usually there every week for work, and I usually bring my bike.