I'm back on site! Yay and stuff!!! I missed you guys!
Well it's over. Bye bye 20's. You were... interesting and a hell of a lot of fun. Now I guess I can start yelling at kids to get off my lawn, drinking prune juice, watching Matlock, and going to bed at 5:00 pm. Hello 30's. Let's get weird.
Happy birthday!!
And don't worry about the 20's being gone - The 30's and 40's REALLY SUCK - the 50's - Not so bad..... LOL!

And don't worry about the 20's being gone - The 30's and 40's REALLY SUCK - the 50's - Not so bad..... LOL!

hey there
The wall has finally been hit. Full stop. Change or die. Yay?
I'm tired, so: Haven't really slept in about 24 hours. Went to work, got cut early so I could visit the hospital. Reintroduced myself to some people that I had known years ago. Learned new things about old friends. Put away some old anger, got a lot of love. Walked in the rain and then the music (linked below) hi-jacked my whole being. Put it...
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Yeah, Runaway Train is not a favorite at all, but it is one that it's lyrics burrows into your sub-conscious ready to emerge if your minds wandering when the song is on.
How did the whole hospital situation finally turn out?
How did the whole hospital situation finally turn out?
Sorry to hear that. I hope things ease up for you soon.
You know what? Just be honest; With yourself, with other people, with all the exchanges in your life. It is a hard thing to do. It is difficult to cast aside another persons feelings in favor of truth. For some of us it's a personal trial to be the villain. We always want to promote goodwill and positive vibes, no matter how much we HATE...
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You speak wisely there sir.
Altough, timing is important.
Altough, timing is important.

Tempered to the point of sweet, sweet apathy. Hello Friday...hello? How can a such a loud rainy day be oh so silent? So rude as not to respond to such a simple greeting? Perhaps I am not saying the right things? Perhaps I've misjudged this particular set of hours as my friend? Indeed it would seem that this day, is in fact, an asshole.
Sweet Jeebus!!! A new Radeo set!! I am official having a good day. Also some good concerts coming up and personal fitness is getting on track. Man, Pilates is hard... but very good!
All very good stuff.
Very much in love with all this new music (30+ bands!!!) I just found. All down tempo, chill-out, shoegaze, trip-hop, instrumental hip-hop, and IDM. With all the stress, chaos, and pure fucking garbage going on lately I think this is just what I needed. Once again, music saves my little life
Special thanks to the wonderful folks in the SG Trip-Hop group. I can't wait...
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Special thanks to the wonderful folks in the SG Trip-Hop group. I can't wait...
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Music is so a huge part of getting me through the day.
You need to fill us in any particular gems.
You need to fill us in any particular gems.
The dream from last night: Getting high on magic incense with a Jamaican dude while listening to "Blue Lines" from Massive Attack. Time would periodically stop, like a freeze frame and the song would echo, the whole time I was high. Later in the dream a two piece band in white suits played "The Tourist" by Radiohead (my favorite Radiohead song). They were twin, red-headed,...
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That does sound a little fantastic. The balding, ginger twins definitely odd, but it had a soundtrack, so that's a pretty badass dream. 

Just put one foot in front of the other. Walking away and moving forward are the same thing sometimes. Fire is a cleansing element. Not just the flames that lick your cancer sticks, spiral out of the sun, or reduce old lives/places/memories to ash. The fire in your heart. The heat of your dreams and desires. It is a frightening thing to embrace the burn...
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gosh, that's beautiful:
"you can't live without a little death."
I appreciate good writing here because it seems that in my sea of English majors and those passionate about writing, there's a serious LACK of ability in my world. So tragic. Do you write poetry or in any genre for that matter?
"you can't live without a little death."
I appreciate good writing here because it seems that in my sea of English majors and those passionate about writing, there's a serious LACK of ability in my world. So tragic. Do you write poetry or in any genre for that matter?
Hi again. I used to be here as Sofakingaural but I decided that I hate that s/n. New year, new name. Yay!