Happy New Year everyone. Starting the new year off by moving in to my new place with Melx. I am so excited. The place is almost as beautiful as she is. This is going to be a great year. :)
When did everyone become so jaded and cynical? Lately everywhere I go I am surrounded by people who only see the negative side of everything. It's kind of depressing.
Can somebody explain the appeal of Grumpy cat to me? I seriously don't get it.
I shaved my head for Halloween and it itches now that it's growing back. I think I'm going to just keep it shaved from now on.
I finally have things I'd like to post and I can't figure out how to get pictures to work on here. Boo.
I can't believe I have nothing interesting to say after almost 3 years. Nice to be back for a bit though.
I miss the emoticons. (insert sad face here)

I feel like I have failed in her Geek education.

In other news, my mom, who never travels, is in Mexico for the next two weeks. Her and her best friend paid for the trip through these bonus dollars they earn at work. Pretty cool and probably the only way she...
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enjoy Spearhead - i never followed him much later in his career, but i remember hearing that Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy album many a time back in college

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Well, welcome back!
See ya soon.

You aren't missing much. Surprisingly there aren't that many interesting things to take pictures of in Clinton, Iowa. Especially in the Winter. Not that it was a bad visit. Good company and good food can make even the dullest place enjoyable.
I can't believe how...
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