I hate this time of year, late summer to early fall.
my alergies seem to be seeking revenge on me for something. i never feel normal when i get like this, either my eyes are itching and puffy and my nose is stuffed up and runny or i'm zonked out on meds
i can't even remember what it feels like to in a regular condition
my alergies seem to be seeking revenge on me for something. i never feel normal when i get like this, either my eyes are itching and puffy and my nose is stuffed up and runny or i'm zonked out on meds
i can't even remember what it feels like to in a regular condition
I took an existentialism course last year and I loved it. We had to read some excerpts from Being and Nothingness along with some stuff by Bataille that I really liked. I was disappointed that we didn't spend more time on Nietzsche though, only ended up being, like, two lectures worth.
Bruce McCulloch is the shizzle, but my favourite KitH is definitely Kevin McDonald: "Whole lotta milk-ah"