So, this is me and my lovely friend Emma, who is visiting from Canada (but she's actually Australian, and we met in Sheffield years ago).
God, what a gorgeous weekend, really was incredible to have such beautiful sunny skies, made all the better for the company. We just walked, and hung out, then drank beer and wine, for most of the weekend. She's currently in Guilford, then off to Bath, then back with me on wednesday evening. I've got a couple of days off at the end of the week, so we can just hang out together. She's one of the most wonderful people I know, a real zest for life and just does what she wants.
Anyway, nuff of that. In other news this week.......well, I've just finished Call of Duty 4.....that, would be about it.
I'm looking forward to bed, just have to finish watching the rest of SuperBad first.
I really don't have much to say, how you all doing? Anyone got any interesting news? Dull news?
Love to you all,
D x
allo x
Oh yay! I love catching up with friends from far off lands! It makes me happy! I hope you guys are having an awesome time before she disappears back to the land of beyond!