Well, I should start off by thanking all of you for your support, I really appreciate it. I tried to write to you all separately, some I managed, some I got some gammy internet thing, where it just says 'saving comment', then just sits there like that and never changes, so apologies. As for an update, I went over to see her on friday, had dinner and talked about it. It was a little wierd, well, more than a little wierd, both of us knowing that she was carrying our potential baby.
It's all done now anyway, she went and took the horrible second pill type thing today, so mini Firemonkey is no more. There will hopefully more coming, but that'll be in the future, when it's the right time.
I'm feeling alright about it now, not the best of experiences, but interesting.
So, onto more positive things. My cutting down on booze is going very well so far, don't know whether it's making any difference weight wise, but I'm sleeping well, and I'm saving money, so that's 2 good reasons right off the bat. The gym thing is also going well, went to my first Muy Thai kickboxing class last night, my groin feels stretched (that'll be the 15 minutes agonising stretching we did at the end then) and my calves are aching, but I got to punch and kick stuff, and next week I'll be learning elbows and sparring a bit with someone. Kick ass!!!
My australian friend is visiting from Canada in about a month. Her name is Emma, and she is totally lovely and a great friend, one of lifes great people. And she's good at baking. Here is a pic of me and her
She may come along to meet some of you guys at the london meet, if no-one minds.
Er.....it's all rather odd. After an emotional weekend, suddenly everything seems to have perked up. Well, I've perked up. Work is interesting again, yes Pinklet, I'm now fully on Hellboy2, and I'll see if there's going to be any more t-shirts made, in which case you're getting on, maybe Mark_plus_beer as well, seeing as I haven't managed to steal anything for him yet, sorry dude. The exercise is making me happy, the fact that I have the will power to stay off the beer, wine and chocolate is really encouraging, and getting to punch and kick things yesterday was super good fun. I've cut my hair, the days are already getting longer, and all my friends are back from their various holidays, this is all makes for a very happy Dan.
Here's a video for a song I was listening to yesterday, man, I used to love jumping around clubs to this
Hope you are all as well as can be, and to the ladies (you know who you are), I'm sad that you'll be taking longer to move to london, tis a shame. Still, I'll be out to see you when you come down on the 26th.
Big love, and thanks again for listening and stuff,
Dan x
It's all done now anyway, she went and took the horrible second pill type thing today, so mini Firemonkey is no more. There will hopefully more coming, but that'll be in the future, when it's the right time.
I'm feeling alright about it now, not the best of experiences, but interesting.
So, onto more positive things. My cutting down on booze is going very well so far, don't know whether it's making any difference weight wise, but I'm sleeping well, and I'm saving money, so that's 2 good reasons right off the bat. The gym thing is also going well, went to my first Muy Thai kickboxing class last night, my groin feels stretched (that'll be the 15 minutes agonising stretching we did at the end then) and my calves are aching, but I got to punch and kick stuff, and next week I'll be learning elbows and sparring a bit with someone. Kick ass!!!
My australian friend is visiting from Canada in about a month. Her name is Emma, and she is totally lovely and a great friend, one of lifes great people. And she's good at baking. Here is a pic of me and her

She may come along to meet some of you guys at the london meet, if no-one minds.
Er.....it's all rather odd. After an emotional weekend, suddenly everything seems to have perked up. Well, I've perked up. Work is interesting again, yes Pinklet, I'm now fully on Hellboy2, and I'll see if there's going to be any more t-shirts made, in which case you're getting on, maybe Mark_plus_beer as well, seeing as I haven't managed to steal anything for him yet, sorry dude. The exercise is making me happy, the fact that I have the will power to stay off the beer, wine and chocolate is really encouraging, and getting to punch and kick things yesterday was super good fun. I've cut my hair, the days are already getting longer, and all my friends are back from their various holidays, this is all makes for a very happy Dan.
Here's a video for a song I was listening to yesterday, man, I used to love jumping around clubs to this
Hope you are all as well as can be, and to the ladies (you know who you are), I'm sad that you'll be taking longer to move to london, tis a shame. Still, I'll be out to see you when you come down on the 26th.
Big love, and thanks again for listening and stuff,
Dan x
Basically I go to the gym every other day. 30 mins cardio and 30 mins weight machines overall body workout. Thenon the other days I go for a run - I'm training up to a half marathon at the moment. Sometimes if I'm feeling extra enthusiastic I also do a DVD on my running days hehe. One I'm back up to scratch I will up the training a bit more in prep for my wrestling training.
Hey Chunky Monkey! (is that ok?), I'll have u know i'm not stinky, i had a lovely lavendar bath lastnight, it was Lush!
Thats really rubbish, ur mate being like that! I'd be round their house.... possibly break in and steal their dog or something.... but thats just me, not sure you should class them as a mate for much longer! Are u really gonna sell ur Wii? do u want to, or is it just for the money.... thats really bad, are u really that skint?? poo.
I'm getting better, spent the past 3 days on the sofa under my big fat duvet, Tims been feeding me, and running my baths for me, and generally running around for me.... which makes a change. I could quite go for a hot toddy, but me thinks in my current state i'd be on the floor after half a glass..... I mean, u know from experience im a lightweight!! hahah
I'm really looking forward to the 26th, even tho we not looking at houses now.