Right then, new year, new post, and I'm in a lovin' 2008 feeling.
Apart from one of the most god awful hangovers I've had for a long time, which meant that I was sat on the sofa all day watching the best and worse of the X-factor (actually highly entertaining), it's started well.
This whole year, I've only had one small glass of red wine, and that was only medicinal, drunk in the hope it would help with the hangover. Last night involved, going swimming, then making lamb burgers along with broccoli and boiled new potatoes, very damn tasty it was too. Already got dinner prepared for tonight, neck of lamb marinading in greek yogurt, cummin and garlic. It's going to taste mighty good. Want to go for a run as well.
That's what this year is all about, eating well, getting out of the habit of drinking every day, and more exercise. Think I'm going to try to keep some sort of journal, take a weekly pic and weigh myself. I also wonder how much money I'll save by not drinking so much?
Work is taking a while to get going again, but that's no big surprise, as most of the company still seem to be away on holiday till monday, so getting gradually settled in. Got a big grin on, on the way to work this morning, which was nice. No reason, just felt relaxed and happy. Also, although it's fecking cold right now, the days are only just going to start getting longer, and then warmer, then it'll be spring, which is generally followed by summer, which is ace.
Hope 08 is working out ok for youse guys,
D x
Apart from one of the most god awful hangovers I've had for a long time, which meant that I was sat on the sofa all day watching the best and worse of the X-factor (actually highly entertaining), it's started well.
This whole year, I've only had one small glass of red wine, and that was only medicinal, drunk in the hope it would help with the hangover. Last night involved, going swimming, then making lamb burgers along with broccoli and boiled new potatoes, very damn tasty it was too. Already got dinner prepared for tonight, neck of lamb marinading in greek yogurt, cummin and garlic. It's going to taste mighty good. Want to go for a run as well.
That's what this year is all about, eating well, getting out of the habit of drinking every day, and more exercise. Think I'm going to try to keep some sort of journal, take a weekly pic and weigh myself. I also wonder how much money I'll save by not drinking so much?
Work is taking a while to get going again, but that's no big surprise, as most of the company still seem to be away on holiday till monday, so getting gradually settled in. Got a big grin on, on the way to work this morning, which was nice. No reason, just felt relaxed and happy. Also, although it's fecking cold right now, the days are only just going to start getting longer, and then warmer, then it'll be spring, which is generally followed by summer, which is ace.
Hope 08 is working out ok for youse guys,
D x
I also suffer from smiling on the street. I'm sure people thing I'm drunk/drugged/crazy most of the time.
Hmmm lamb burgers! I'm trying to cook one meal from scratch every week for the forseeable future. I do love cooking but I'm a lazy bitch in the kitchen.Being at work all day still exhausts me I thought six months in I wouldn't still be this tired at the end of every day *sigh* But as I said I'm gonna try and make a conscious effort to make more good home cooking hehe!